Aquarium Co-Op a new store in the making.....


Staff member
theChad said:
Tired of driving by and seeing the windows covered ;)
Your telling me! I can't wait to take that brown paper down and let the good times begin :)


Funny. That area needed a LFS. All we have is Petsmart to the north, Petsmart to the south. Masers in Kenmore which really doesn't have the selection we all typically require to call yourself a LFS and another Petsmart and a Petco in Everett. In North Seattle we have The Fish store on Roosevelt and The Little Amazon on Aurora Ave. You got a great location to fill a nitch in that area with your compition far enough away to draw customers in. The questions I have is what will you be doing differently than the mentioned LFSs to bring your customers back to you and to entice potentially new customers to visit your store? Will you carry the same name brand foods or will you bring in the high grade? I'm sure you have thought this through and had a game plan way before you started your career path. I'm just curious. :)


Staff member
The vision has been laid out in previous posts. But lots of high end fish and plants, and top of the line equipment/foods etc. Also live foods, cultures etc. Lots of stuff that most full line pet stores don't bother with. Also it will be freshwater only. It won't be split up like the fish store with salt/fresh etc.


Staff member
Also bought a DSLR to have frequent photo updates of fish in stock etc. Most of the LFS don't entire their customers with pics either.


A fish Boutique if thats ok to say? Thats good. Sell what the others don't and do what they won't.
Your first Saturday open will be packed with forum and GSAS members I'm sure. I'll be there looking for endlers and shrimps. They go together like peas and carrots.
I think the key to a successful buisness now days is an up to date website, be it facebook or not. Shows you care to keep your clientele informed about your buisness.


Staff member
Yes I agree. The website is just waiting on me to get the correct high resolution pictures to seed it. It's already built just sitting in maintenance mode until I supply the pics :D


Staff member
I shot a quick video this morning of the shop to give a visual update for everyone. Make sure you subscribe to the youtube channel as not all videos will make it to here.

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Staff member
I'm shooting for the 1st. If the city of Edmonds will allow it. Still waiting for different inspectors to come through. I'm hoping the fire marshal will be through tomorrow as he'll be just a few doors down inspecting someone else.

Today I'll be putting tanks on the stand and filling with water etc. Over the next few days they should be fully operational. Still need to make the tops, and then transport the sponges from my house to the shop while keeping them wet as they are already seeded with bacteria. Still need to run the airline manifold through a few walls on the other side of the room. Then air will be pumping into the tanks. Should only be a few more days before I start putting fish in here. Need to get the temp/fans adjusted right to make sure the temp is regulated correctly before stocking too much.


Well thats great news Cory. We want you to open up so we can buy some guppies and shrimps. Also Clown loaches. We need lots of fat baby clown loaches. Was that subtle enough? :nanana:


Staff member
I hope to have Clowns in stock soon. I'll be moving my group of large clown loaches in soon :) 180g tank moved into the shop today.


New Member
Good luck Cory! Hope you will pass all those inspection ASAP and open your store on first of March.


Staff member
Just wanted to remind people to sign up for the newsletter at

The reward is you'll receive information, invites, coupons etc first. Why is this so? Because as great as facebook and other media platforms are, they are moving to a pay to reach your customers platform. This means that unless I pay money, only a portion of you who currently "like" Aquarium Co-Op will see this on your feed.

I intend to send out the first email newsletter later today. It will have a list of fish on it, you the customers get to help decide what's in the store!