Aquarium Cartel Swap Meet - Auburn, WA


New Member
Oh, shy people in the aquarium hobby... Well it will eventually go away. Everyone loves to talk fish, and it should break you both out of your shells.

Here's my ISO list:
-55gal heater
-12"-18" airstones
-Bristlenose pleco males (I prefer to keep mine from interbreeding)
-Caves/decorations for my African cichlids and a large 16" sailfin pleco
Over all my years in the hobby, I've found that shy people usually are very nice and have a lot to offer when I take the time to chat with them about the hobby they love.
CrazedAce said:
Here's my ISO list:
-55gal heater
-12"-18" airstones
-Bristlenose pleco males (I prefer to keep mine from interbreeding)
-Caves/decorations for my African cichlids and a large 16" sailfin pleco
 What means ISO? You want to get or you have to get rid of?
If you can carry them around you don't need a table...!  If not, I'm getting my table and a miscellaneous items table for an out of state person that is paying for it, and you can put them there.

PM sent.
Is there anyone on here that is interested in saltwater/coral/reef species or setups?  I received email from one of my friends who is in the coral realm of things, and he says that the promotions we're doing are pretty much aimed at FW hobbyists and the the salt guys don't think it will be worth the time to prepare for the swap.

This is kinda last minute, but do any of you have any ideas for me?


If you can get the salt guys to come as more then just 1 or 2 then It will be worth it to them too!! Especially if you can get them to set uup tables of their own.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
CrazedAce said:
Here's my ISO list:
-55gal heater
-12"-18" airstones
-Bristlenose pleco males (I prefer to keep mine from interbreeding)
-Caves/decorations for my African cichlids and a large 16" sailfin pleco
Albino or regular bristlenose males?


New Member
Preferrably albino, but I'll take regular as well. I need to make some pairs/trios in my new 55, and my last 29. I have a bunch of common females that need studs. lol


New Member
I'm also interested in getting nerite and assassin snails. I have a few assassins, but they don't seem to breed. And if anyone has excess MTS I'd be willing to trade for some.


New Member
I'm super stoked! I can't wait to wake up after a few hours of sleep just to get all the fish ready! Lol
I am eager to talk fish with everyone!
I went to the Eagles Club the other day to make sure all is good...and it is! I think you will all like the place.  They will even have hot dogs and sandwiches from their grill available for purchase. 

When you register be sure to get a green paper slip to put your name on it for the drawings.  

If anyone could help with the registration, I'd really like the help.  Or maybe a spouse or friend that's coming but not all that interested in the fish geek talk.  If I could get 4 volunteers, it would be great and each could help me for an hour.

This will be a fun event. a friend of mine tells me...if you don't have fun, look in the mirror and you'll see the reason!

I'm stoked like you MorganEA & CA!


New Member
Gigi and I are packing the car full right now. We are bringing all sorts of gently used gear remaining from the shrimp room we just sold. We'll have a bunch of 10 gallon tanks at $5 and all sorts of oddities including canister filters, pumps and arm length Coralife gloves for working on infected or questionable tanks. Oh! We have some gorgeous aqua colored silicone airline too.

We also have assassin snails and my last two jars of perfectly red cherry shrimp. Of course, we will have the Nature Invincible healing leaves and barks, Gigi's Wonderfood and the shrimp shirts too! The shrimp shirts are awesome Christmas presents.

See ya'll soon!
Spent most of yesterday packing the van. Tanks! Accessories! Etc.
Today, packing plants and one 7''-8'' Pleco.

See all y'all soon! (all y'all is plural for y'all!)
