What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Contributing Member Level III
Began my morning with coffee and water changes. Gravel vac’d the two 75’s and the 300.


Legendary Member
I spent the day yesterday organizing the fish room and doing water changes on a number of tanks. Added some plants to both 55g and the 29g shrimp tank. On a side note the 55g are different measurements. The planted 55 is 23in tall and the synodontis 55g is 20in tall. Width is different too.
I emptied the plants from the 10g greenhouse moving them into the 35g bowfront. Except for the dwarf red rinekerii which went into the 90g for the SD to snack on. I have not had success with it submersed.


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Contributing Member Level III
Did a 70% water change on my 75g acrylic show tank; noticed that I'm getting low on the SeaChem chemicals that I use to make 'Tanganyika water' (not available in my LFS, all 2 of them...). Went to order the chemicals from Amazon, as usual; expected delivery April 21! So best you stock up if you depend on things that you order online; Amazon is getting very slow for lots of things already. It's going to be weeks before we see any light at the end of the tunnel.


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Contributing Member Level III
Got my 30 gallon tank going today.

The wood floats despite the slate base. Needs some time to sink. Still working on getting the temp set on this one. Future home to my arrowhead puffer which will open up a 65B for something. Leaning toward a red wolf or in the meantime growout for my amphilophus.



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Contributing Member Level III
Cabin fever setting in... Not enough work for me to stay busy so I have been weeding, edging, mowing. Also water changed the 30, 65B, and both 75’s in the garage.

This working from home is exhausting, lol. I now have time to keep up tanks on the immaculate level and do chores around the house.


Legendary Member
Contributing Member Level III
Cabin fever setting in... Not enough work for me to stay busy so I have been weeding, edging, mowing. Also water changed the 30, 65B, and both 75’s in the garage.

This working from home is exhausting, lol. I now have time to keep up tanks on the immaculate level and do chores around the house.

Think of it as a staycation!


Well-Known Member
Cabin fever setting in... Not enough work for me to stay busy so I have been weeding, edging, mowing. Also water changed the 30, 65B, and both 75’s in the garage.

This working from home is exhausting, lol. I now have time to keep up tanks on the immaculate level and do chores around the house.
Netflix! :) Also jumping jacks, pushups.


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Contributing Member Level III
Tank cleaning today, time to scrub down the 300 again. Did one half, need to do the other half now. These are deeper cleanings where I pull the gravel away from the glass and clean the gravel line. I also scrub the back tank wall and pull out driftwood and plants to clean. I usually do this kind of cleaning every 6 weeks or so. With all my extra time at home, Im getting tons of things done! Still have another FX6 filter to clean too.


Legendary Member
Went downstairs to feed the fish and found water trickling out from under the 55g rack. The filter body on one of the aquaclear filters was cracked at the overflow. Swapped out the body and will try super glue. Did small water changes on 3 aquariums and rinsed the filter media. Being able to start a siphon and drop the hose on the floor is so nice.


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Contributing Member Level III
Every day of the month that is divisible by 3 is 'Treat Day' for my fishes. On these days, the omnivores- Xenotilapia, Enantiopus, and Ophthalmotilapia- get frozen crustaceans, either brine or mysis shrimp, and the strict herbivores- Tropheus- get large leaves of fresh Romain lettuce. I tried many leafy greens, but Tropheus seem to like the Romain lettuce best. It takes them a while to recognize this as food initially, but once they do it is an absolute feeding frenzy (Colin has seen this). I believe the Romain has several benefits for Tropheus- not only is it a good source of dietary roughage, which they require, but it also provides an opportunity for a regular and energetic social interaction within the colony, which strengthens its structure. Certainly works for me. :)


Legendary Member
Every day of the month that is divisible by 3 is 'Treat Day' for my fishes. On these days, the omnivores- Xenotilapia, Enantiopus, and Ophthalmotilapia- get frozen crustaceans, either brine or mysis shrimp, and the strict herbivores- Tropheus- get large leaves of fresh Romain lettuce. I tried many leafy greens, but Tropheus seem to like the Romain lettuce best. It takes them a while to recognize this as food initially, but once they do it is an absolute feeding frenzy (Colin has seen this). I believe the Romain has several benefits for Tropheus- not only is it a good source of dietary roughage, which they require, but it also provides an opportunity for a regular and energetic social interaction within the colony, which strengthens its structure. Certainly works for me. :)

Watching the tropheus go after that lettuce was like watching a nature video on piranha. That lettuce didn’t have a chance, so sad to see it die that way:rofl


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Contributing Member Level III
Did most of the heavy cleaning yesterday so not much for today. Cut a couple branches on the spiderwood to make it a bit safer for the future inhabitant. It has been getting a bit slimy as it gets water logged. So far the tannins have not been too bad compared to other woods I’ve used but I am changing a little water each day to get it clear.


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Contributing Member Level III
Water change on the 300 gallon this morning. Cleaned garage tanks yesterday. Just another boring day...


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Contributing Member Level III
Cleaned an Aquaclear 110 on the 75 growout. Feeding pellets to these fish really makes for a funky filter compared to the filters on the puffers tanks that get just meat type items.

I also did a little project in the garage and hung a picture to give it a bit of a floating look about it.
The project getting close to completion, just need to move my office tank over now.