UPDATED+Plant Layout PokeSephiroth's 20 Gallon Walstad Tank

Trimmed the crap out of the 20 gall walstad tank, lots of water wisteria, and the vals are SUPER LONG, oh man so nice! :D

Everything else seems to be doing okay. I might do a diy co2 thing for it. I might not. Who knows. Hmmm... it's so much less bushier now though, thank goodness. :D

That huge Amazon Sword that pbmax soldme sprouted out, yet another runner and it's sticking out of the water, like the first one. Sweet!
pbmax, walstad being as low maintenance as much as possible. Which means no co2, but if my dwarf hairgrass needs it... then it needs it. lol =P
Turns out I've added CO2.


Well it's been a while since I've updated this, but fret not! I have some pictures to share! :) Once I finish sorting through them, I will update this again for all of you to see. Wheeee!
Pictures are here!

A picture of the entire 20 gallon tank. The plants sure have filled in quite well. Perhaps TOO well. Every time I trim them, the plants seem to just take up all the space I freed up within a couple of days. It's really great seeing all the fast plant growth, that's for sure!

Three Blue Rams, playing follow the leader in front of a lush green background of plants. There's also a preggo Fancy Guppy in there that jrmakawoody gave me several months ago. She seems to be happy and keeps popping out more babies here and there!

These pictures are just some close ups, that I wanted to try with the iPhone4S. Seems pretty good, if only I had manual control of the focus, then I'd probably have better shots. Still, not bad for a camera phone. :)

Just showing the other plants, and how healthy they are! Yay for healthy plants!

Feeding time! Boy they sure don't get camera shy when it comes to feeding them. I literally had the phone/camera RIGHT up to the glass, and they didn't even care! :)

Welps, that's it for now. The other fish seem to be camera shy, but I did manage to get a couple of them in the pictures (Guppies, and White Cloud Mountain Minnows)
I'll post a little video of the Blue Rams soon, once it's done rendering and uploading. :D
Here's the video (it should be done processing by now).

[flash=425,350]http://youtube.com/v/XtIPCV-IoO8" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]


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Contributing Member Level III
three comments:
1st, did you take the shots inside the tank?(actually a question) it appears that there is no glass separating you from the fish!(there's the comment)

2nd, those rams crack me up. i like how they just "mean-mugged" the camera the entire time you shot this video.

3rd, completely awesome set-up and fish!!!!!!!!!!
lloyd378, hehehehe!!
1) Nope, all pictures and videos were taken outside of the tank, I just had the iPhone4s right up against the tank, literally. :D

2) It's my first time having Blue Rams, and they really are a hoot to watch. Like most cichlids, they know who I am now, and always approach the front of the tank assuming that I'm going to feed them every time. Bahahaha!

3) Thanks!! :D :beer:
:D . . .Thanks!! They look so active whenever I approach the tank. LOL. I kinda wish I didn't put this tank in a room I rarely go in. I mean, the only time I ever go in this room is to feed them, or to water my herbs..... (don't get any ideas. I'm just growing Holy Basil. LOL)