Stock change, what was I thinking? More bichirs


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Contributing Member Level III
Nice collection Dave. So what is typical shipping cost from Toyan?
The two new ones were $120 or so in shipping. They were through USPS delivered to my home on a Saturday so part of the higher cost. He does the airport thing too if you want to save a bit.

Toyin is the guy you want if you are looking for wild caught polys. He is a pia to get a hold of and sometimes you just are not sure what is going on... Really is that strange to do business with him. I dont know how he does it. If you want Toyin poly but deal with a more 'normal' business then contact Ned at
He buys direct from Toyin and not all the prices are that much different than toyin's price.

Jason at Aquatic Day Care was pretty good and shipping was cheap since it was out of Salem, OR but its like he fell off the face of the earth and no texts back or replies to emails.

Wet Spot will occasionally get a couple nice wild caughts, they have some Volta endli that look really good.

Lol, could talk your ear off about the polys! Still like my cichlids but the bichirs are very interesting and Im having fun with them.


Well-Known Member
I'm similar when it comes to bichirs. When I got back into the hobby, my goal is to obtain every fish I had before. I'm close to that goal but I have definitely seek out bichirs harder than other. These are awesome fish to keep.


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Ive just got to the point where the difference in head shape, body length and overall look of the bichirs has got me hooked on wild caught. I do have a captive born teugelsi but if I had an opportunity to get a wc one affordably I probably would replace it.

Still some dream poly out there but the money is a bit more than I can afford. I would love a pbb (nile bichir) or a sp. dabola which is believed to be a natural occuring hybrid of endli and lap.


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So the new Faranah lap. was bullying the ansorgii bad. It was continuing to bite on the side fin of the fish until it looked bloodied. I decided to move it over a day early from QT. It is settled in and has learned its place quickly. Anyway it is eating well and I think this might be its final coloration.

The ansorgii is healing up in the 65b and will go in the big tank when its done. Im bulking it up with heavy feedings of tilapia and lots of water changes.


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Are you using anything else to treat it? I'm healing a teug I just picked up that had a horrible injury to its tail..... Daily water changes is what I'm trying , but wondering if I should do more.( it is eating just fine


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Clean water is what Im doing. I have done 25% changes morning and night. But Im also powerfeeding tilapia to bulk it up so water can turn bad quickly with leftover food in the tank.

The poor ansorgii really was getting nailed hard by the lap. It was pretty bloody looking at the tips of its side fin. So far the water changes are working good an within a day the bloody look was gone and looking like it was healing. Probably helped that there was nothing continuing to bite at the wound. So just keep it clean and it should do well.

So far I have not had success with QT two lower jaws in the same tank. The endli and koliba lap were 13" each in a 75 gallon and I had issues with the dominant one becoming a bully. Now with the 65b and a 15" lap and 13" ansorgii same issue. With the big lower jaw polys I feel like you need to make sure to have a good sized group so no one fish gets the brunt of it.

Have you started feed tilapia or just pellets? Most use Hikari sinking carnivore and massivore on these guys. I still do a mix that includes theses along with 6mm Northfin. They are pretty accepting of pellets too.


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Okay updates of the polys

New Faranah lap seems comfy





Koliba and Teugelsi

The new lap on the left and Croc in the back. Needless to say the lap is not a bully anymore and is getting to recognize it needs to be out of the endli's way

Thats my updates... until next year, lol. I am trying to make an effort to post some more as things slow down again.


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The Faranah Guinea lap and Ansorgii are happy in the big tank, just an updated pic


Might as well throw a Croc update in there. Just shy of 18" and the alpha male of the tank



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I love the way they look. The lapradei remind me of the raptors on Jurassic Park.


Active Member
I loved feeding a worm to mine... could eat one longer than himself, but unfortunately he found an escape route and jumped for it.


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bit of an update

The ansogii and Faranah Guinea lap together

Been waiting for them to be close...

Look at when they came in on Aug 13 of this year

This is now

The ansorgii has outgrown the lap. The lap was considerably larger a first


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
bit of an update

The ansogii and Faranah Guinea lap together

Been waiting for them to be close...

Look at when they came in on Aug 13 of this year

This is now

The ansorgii has outgrown the lap. The lap was considerably larger a first
Wow, they are amazing!!!! I'd love to have a big boy one day


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Contributing Member Level III
Thanks Lloyd, they are pretty interesting fish. My largest is my endli that is 18". Always cool when it pops out from behind the driftwood and starts looking for food.


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Are they friendly at all? Like do they investigate when you have your hand in the tank or do they hide?