Road trip to see Cory's shop


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Contributing Member Level III
PokeSephiroth said:
Well...for one, I'm Asian. (Or Mexican, whichever way you want to look at it. LOL)

... no. I'm Filipino. Which means, watch out.
Im half Korean so really watch out when Im on the road! :laughhard: 

Asian people get such a bad rap for their driving, just not fair.


Active Member
All too true. I consider it a lesson in anger management every time I drive. I expect everyone on the road to try to kill me in some way, either maliciously or otherwise. I own quick vehicles with decent tires for exactly this reason. ;)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Exactly, thats what I tell my son. Be a defensive minded driver but not a defensive driver, it is more important mastering being an offensive driver. :)

Now if we can just keep these Asians off the road. :joker: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: 


Active Member
DMD123 said:
Asian people get such a bad rap for their driving, just not fair.
Having ridden in cars with co-workers from India driving, I can attest to this being true, at least for folks from India. Granted, they're not all bad drivers, but considering the chaos they learned in, it's not surprising that a substantial proportion are. ;)

I once had a co-worker from Iran who was riding with me on the way back from lunch tell me that I'd fit right in driving in Tehran after a mild traffic tantrum involving horns and gestures. I've mellowed a lot since then (bad marriage back then, for one), but I still take it as a compliment. :D

If people don't get called on their bad driving, why would they ever change? It does occur me that it's not my job to punish these people for their poor driving behavior...


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Contributing Member Level III
Reminds me of a joke, mod can delete if offensive to anyone:

What do you get when you cross a Mexican with a Korean?

A car thief that cant drive... :laughhard: 


You guys sound like my Dad! he is always yelling at someone for driving like an idiot and then has to get revenge, we say that he is on jerk patrol :roll
What can I say? It's not illegal if you're not caught! SO DON'T GET CAUGHT OVER SPEEDING! =P

If you ask a filipino the rules of the traffic lights,

Filipinos will usually say:
Green, go.
Yellow, go faster.
Red, stop....if you want.


New Member
rofl i drive for a living in downtown seattle every week.. you guys just pick TERRIBLE times to go there. first off any weekday from 6-10am or 3-7pm is going to suck. the trick is to just avoid that tiny little 5 mile section of I5. take another highway or surface street to avoid it. also any day with a major sporting event is going to be chaos..

on a side note i feel the pedestrians in seattle are much worse then the actual traffic... or those darn cyclists!!!!!


Active Member
Anthraxx said:
on a side note i feel the pedestrians in seattle are much worse then the actual traffic... or those darn cyclists!!!!!
Many cyclists, unfortunately, don't believe traffic law applies to them. Or they magically convert themselves from cyclist into pedestrian and back, unpredictably. And people wonder why they get smooshed...


New Member
You guys don't know what road rage is.

I'm 100% Sicilian.

A buddy and I have stopped at a light, gotten off our motorcycles and beat the ever living out of the jack that was tailgating us. My buddy actually pulled the passenger out the window of the car and proceeded to beat his on 1st Ave in proud of that one.



New Member
Spyral said:
You guys don't know what road rage is.

I'm 100% Sicilian.

A buddy and I have stopped at a light, gotten off our motorcycles and beat the ever living shit out of the jackass that was tailgating us. My buddy actually pulled the passenger out the window of the car and proceeded to beat his ass on 1st Ave in proud of that one.
For tailgating you? Seems like an overreaction to me.

Also not good for your own safety, many people have a concealed carry permit so that they can carry a fully-loaded gun right next to them in the car. They would also be fully within their rights to use it in the situation you instigated.


New Member
DMD123 said:
PokeSephiroth said:
Well...for one, I'm Asian. (Or Mexican, whichever way you want to look at it. LOL)

... no. I'm Filipino. Which means, watch out.
Im half Korean so really watch out when Im on the road! :laughhard: 

Asian people get such a bad rap for their driving, just not fair.


Staff member
If we can't keep this thread clean and on topic it will be locked. This is a general warning. We are here to further the aquarium hobby.


Active Member
Hehe, I think what we can gather from where this thread has gone is that paying a little extra attention to the road and not driving like a dip**** would do a world of good for everyone. :) :cheers: 


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Cory, I apologize for deleting and editing a couple threads, but I dont need to read some of the trash spoken and I am sure others dont want to either.

Now lets get this back on topic, A road trip to visit Cory's shop and others.


Active Member
To be fair, LA, that was an unnecessary and mean-spirited remark about Kentucky. :no: One of the coolest guys I know lives there...


I was wondering where this topic went. So lets get back to talking about going to co-op aquarium. No trash talking. Just make real plans.


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Contributing Member Level III
My schedule might allow for a midweek trip up, maybe a Wednesday....