LJ's 15 column shrimp tank



The only tank I DON'T have a massive shrimp population in is my Shellie/Julie tank. I'm using Malawa's though, not BRIGHT red Cherrys. ^__^
Noticed my Tefe Apistos don't bother 'em much, but I feed them a lot. My Betta "ignores" them, and I only feed that tank wafers. I've found a few crusty shrimp, so, ya know. Strawberry Bettas occasionally eat them, but the population just keeps rising.
I think they fail in my Tang tank 'cause the Shellies are so voracious & there are very few patches of moss or plants to hide in.


Well-Known Member
I'll use this thread/topic as my guide for setting up my 15G Column Tank. :twisted: I hope it doesnt matter.