LJ's 15 column shrimp tank

Lamental Jester

New Member
Looked in my tank this morning and it looks like the heterandria formosas in there popped out a couple babies.... Hooray for life!

Just realized that I never mentioned putting heterandria formosas into the take... well, I put heterandria formosas into the tank, so there you go

Lamental Jester

New Member
Some much overdue pics:


The phoenix moss has been taking it's time but it's slowly greening up, and the shrimps love it:

And some love to hide in the bottom of the hydrocotyle tripartite/marsilea minuta forest:

Lamental Jester

New Member
Thanks guys... Poke, if you didn't like the look (or maintenance) of the riccia for your 15 column, I suggest trying the phoenix moss.  It's sooooo perfect for branches; grows with the wood, compact, very easy to maintain, and beautiful up close.

Pretty soon I'll start posting videos of this tank as well as the others as soon as I get familiar with video editing, so stay tuned!  Until then, here's Picard, Riker, and Data enjoying a night on the town:

You're welcome
Yeah, I was thinking of using phoenix moss and ordering online is not an option for me. hehe... some day :)

I did manage to sell most of my riccia, I kept a couple, just to have some for myself, and tied them down to some rocks, and those are growing out pretty nicely. But yes...definitely phoenix moss for my driftwood. THE FUTURE AWAITS! :D

Lamental Jester

New Member
Yeah, I'm using riccia meshed to rocks in bookcase tank too, I think it looks more natural that way rather than being tied to branches

why no online ordering? I got most of my phoenix off of ebay... I think I gave you the seller's name a while back ago.

You should post an up-to-date pic or video of your 15, I wanna see :D
m'kay. You asked for a photo or video, here's the most up-to-date video of my 15 gallon tank. Footage was taken last night, and edited this morning. Here's video No.3 hehe

[flash=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/v/kIxy2V6xyPQ" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]

Lamental Jester

New Member
Looks good Poke!  Lots of fisheys swiming around, I see you added some Rams in there, love those fish.  How's the shrimp population doing in there?  I only saw one shrimpy in the vid.  I gotta find some good video editing software

PS- Sorry for the late reply, but I was gone all weekend camping:

Hooray for nature!!!
Lamental Jester said:
PlantedAquariumSeattle said:
Thats a bad ass tank you got there
Lol, not sure if you're talkin' to me or Poke... But if it's towards me, then thank you!  And if it's towards Poke, then I'm sure he thanks you ;)
lol my thoughts exactly, on behalf of the both me and Lamental Jester, we thank you, PlantedAquariumSeattle ;)

As for the shrimp... well, ever since I added the mating pair of Rams, the shrimp population has drastically decreased (which is okay. It's basically free live food for the rams, which I can replenish by adding more shrimp from my other tanks... the ciiiiiiiiiircle of liiiiife) It was weird though, because I had thought that the male would be the more aggressive one, but turns out it was the female that was picking off the shrimp population. And boy, she was determined to get that sucker down!
Indeed :) I always keep thinking that the female is full of eggs and is just about ready to spawn, but turns out she's just really fat.........and sassy. :D


PokeSephiroth said:
Indeed :)I always keep thinking that the female is full of eggs and is just about ready to spawn, but turns out she's just really fat.........and sassy. :D