Cold water fish options


New Member
Paracheilognathus himantegus? Any other bitterlings?
I already have a catch-all for goldfish (shubunkins, fancy, etc.)
Koi added
Notropis lutrensis for the dace? (BTW, that is one gorgeous looking little fish!!!)


Well-Known Member
Not sure if these would count under what you are looking for, but cichlids of the genus Gymnogeophagus require a cooling down period. They come from Uruguay so need about 3 months of below 65F before coming back up to normal temps to thrive.

From via Google (yes you can go collect your own, there are a couple trips a year):




Well-Known Member
Chiisai said:
Now thats a seksi fish!

dwarfpike said:
From via Google (yes you can go collect your own, there are a couple trips a year):
I am curious as to the cost of such a trip as $200 in cichlids is great... but if the tour costs you $3000 its not such a great deal.
If I remember right, the package is about $1500 or so ... covers everything (hotels, food, import permits). Of course, you have to buy the plane ticket all the way down to there, which is spendy about another $1500). Still, I imagine for some (like me), looking at fish in your aquarium you collected would be something special.


Active Member
If you're planning to attend the GSAS meeting 2/11 I'll be giving a talk on native fish and there will be some to auction off afterwards!


Tom. There's a guy on E-bay from Florida selling wild-caught killies 3 types. Try a search for killfish. He also sells swamp plants and a pic of HIM IN HIS OWN ALLIGATOR SWAMP pond!


Suprised you found him,,, I didn't even give you his e-bay seller name,, man your good>>>>>
I know,,, he looks like SWAMP THING!!!!!
He does have some really cool Everglades grape tomatoe seeds for sale...