A clean slate


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Hate to continue to post on this but another silver dollar had to get put down today. It had not been eating since the outbreak a while back. So now I am left with just the three red hooks. Two I have seen eat frozen brine shrimp, blood worms and beef heart so I know they have some food in them.

All the new fish seem to be adjusting well except the Zo which looks like he got beat up a little (maybe the RD) and the bocourti which only nibbles a little flake (I heard these guys were total pigs!). Hopefully these two are not being affected by what was in the tanks before and are just trying to adjust to the new tank. The others have totally adjusted and are little eating machines.


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DMD123 said:
Hate to continue to post on this but another silver dollar had to get put down today. It had not been eating since the outbreak a while back. So now I am left with just the three red hooks. Two I have seen eat frozen brine shrimp, blood worms and beef heart so I know they have some food in them.

All the new fish seem to be adjusting well except the bocourti which only nibbles a little flake (I heard these guys were total pigs!).
Well that sucks. Hopefully whatever it is, is out of your tank. :) And that Bocourti was a pig at my place. Maybe it doesnt like your food. :)


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madness said:
And that Bocourti was a pig at my place. Maybe it doesnt like your food. :)
He does not get any homemade goodness like you feed, he gets pure McDonalds fast food!


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DMD123 said:
madness said:
And that Bocourti was a pig at my place. Maybe it doesnt like your food. :)
He does not get any homemade goodness like you feed, he gets pure McDonalds fast food!
Thats what Fishman likes to eat. :scratch:


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madness said:
DMD123 said:
madness said:
And that Bocourti was a pig at my place. Maybe it doesnt like your food. :)
He does not get any homemade goodness like you feed, he gets pure McDonalds fast food!
Thats what Fishman likes to eat. :scratch:
I know! And he can bench press a vw bug full of NLS! :tongue:


haha haha you guys are so funny :laughhard: mcdonalds= yuck. i do however have 6-8 hamburger patties with rice at work every day though. and someone supply the vw filled with nls and id bench it in a heart beat.


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We can invite RD to the bench pressing, that way he can spend an hour telling all of us how to do it correctly.

But we better ask him what color VW to use. God knows we will pick the wrong color.


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I dont think we could even use a VW.... because RD would tell us that he has a vested interest in another car company that will remain undisclosed because they dont want him to say their name.

You know how certain businesses that want customers and want to earn money just dont want you to use their name. ;) Has that guy even thought about what he is saying? Wait a minute that actually does sound like a business, its called the mafia. Maybe RD is part of the NLS mafia...


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The thing that cracks me up the most is if NLS is so awesome why wouldnt you want to show published information by accredited individuals to give weight to your claims. Unless the product did not fare well in testing and was shown to be pure crap. :suspect:


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Good ?. I bought my 2 large containers from a vendor on MFK, and I asked a lot of questions. He even told me nothing of what I wanted to hear. He just wanted to make the sell. My fish do like the large cichlid pellet (the name escapes me) but the thera-a they wont touch. Not to mention, the thera-a destroys the water. Makes it stink and cloud.


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LOL, and if you were to bring that up to a NLS convert they would say its because of the healthy ingredients that the fish dont take to it right away. It is like giving a child a choice of vegetables or candy. They will always choose the candy because it tastes better, does not mean it is good for them.

I will be the next NLS spokesman... because I too can just make stuff up! :D (What? You want proof? Well there are these accredited people who have done a study, but I cant talk about it! ;) )


i really think the problems is that its not leaps and bounds better than everything else. all the top food brands are so close the difference is negligible to me which is why feed a bunch of foods


Active Member
my fish always eat a variety of whateverthehellisonsale BRAND food. and some meal worms and crickets that the leopard geckos don't eat. And sometimes left over trout worms.
and spiders and bugs. one even ate a small wad of cat hair that got in there.(not sure of the results of the accredited study on this one though)


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aaronfeeney said:
my fish always eat a variety of whateverthehellisonsale BRAND food.

aaronfeeney said:
one even ate a small wad of cat hair that got in there.(not sure of the results of the accredited study on this one though)
I have no cats, can I borrow some hairballs to try and feed them with? :laughhard:


New Member
lol funny u guys mention this. nearly all the african owners i know they all swear by nls. but to be honest my fish dont seem to care for it. they prefer hikari brand stuff over it. so now im stuck with 2 things of the stuff.. lol needless to say i probably wont get any more of it.


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My fish ate the NLS but very little of it. You could tell it was not their favorite. They would gobble down Omega One like it was going out of style. I could not get them to eat Hikari except for the expensive carnivore pellets.

Right now my Omega One small pellets are a tad too big for my fish so I have some pee wee Xtreme on order.

Most of the times I find the Omega One on sale and thats why I buy it. And I also always buy ahead, never running low/out of food. I guess that money is a big factor in my decision on food.