Recent content by Addictedtofish

  1. Addictedtofish

    Tanganyikan Fry Tank

    I have a 55 gal setup, how many would work for that size? and how much per?
  2. Addictedtofish

    Tanganyikan Fry Tank

    How often do you get cyprichromis fry more than a couple? and do you ever sell any?
  3. Addictedtofish

    Deteriorating styrofoam background

    I woke up Saturday morning to find my frontosa's,calvus and compressiceps all dead, expect for 3 female frontosa's at the top sucking air. I didnt do a test of my water since nothing has changed in my tanks for many months. The only thing that has slowly been happening to this tank is the...
  4. Addictedtofish

    'Lamprologus' caudopunctatus (Kapampa)

    Re: 'Lamprologus' caudopunctatus (Kapampa) Nope I gave up on the tropheus, still miss them thou. I currently have 4 tanks setup. I have a 45g setup with red cherry shrimp and endlers. Sandnuka's old 80xt setup with my cyprichromis and now my new lamps. and some syndontis multi's 55g with 2...
  5. Addictedtofish

    'Lamprologus' caudopunctatus (Kapampa)

    'Lamprologus' caudopunctatus (Kapampa) I took a drive with the wife today down to The wet spot and ended up getting 6 of these guys. Right now acclimating them, hopefully ill get a pair soon. [url=]
  6. Addictedtofish

    Guess whos back!

    Could always do a planted tank with shrimp, and some type of nano for a second tank. BTW glad to see your back, that was a short trip. Less than a year, or am I loosing track of time?
  7. Addictedtofish

    saltwater lfs

    There is a salt water fish store in downtown Arlington, but I cant think of the name. I was in there about 5 months ago and the owner was very knowledgeable.
  8. Addictedtofish

    Safe with with RCS?

    I would move out the cories and the micro fish and get your rcs to start breeding until you have a good population then move your micro fish in. Ive kept guppies of various types, dwarf groumis and badis badis with rcs with little to no damage so far.
  9. Addictedtofish

    What am I??

    I was looking last night and didnt come up with anything close enough to resemble the fish, my guess is going by the shape of the body and the head it might be a hybrid with a Metraclima species in it. Your correct on the dorsal fin, most males from Mbuna all have a longer pointed dorsal fin...
  10. Addictedtofish

    What am I??

    The head of that unknown fish doesnt even resemble a peacock, Ill have to do some research on cichlid-forum and see what looks close to it. Maybe gobluecichlid might chime in on this one.
  11. Addictedtofish

    shrimp breeding

    crystal, i already breed cherry.
  12. Addictedtofish

    shrimp breeding

    If you can get them to breed and have a good supply of them it would give me a reason to start up a new tank and finally use my fluval stratum substrate to obtain the lower ph and soften needed for them. So when the time comes and you a good stock of them let me know.
  13. Addictedtofish

    Well Ive been busy.....

    I have 1 in my bedroom, 1 in the hallway, 2 in the dinning room, and 5 in the spare bedroom, so thats only 9. I forgot I had tore down 2 awhile back.
  14. Addictedtofish

    Well Ive been busy.....

    11 tanks all over the house. :D