Safe with with RCS?


New Member
I have a 15gal hex tank with a few harlies and a couple cories in it. I've always wanted RCS but I don't want to set up another tank for just shrimp. Would shrimp babies be able to survive living amongst micro fish? I can put the cories in another tank if I have to. I just added some plants to the tank(had plant eating fish in it prior) so in no time the plants should be lush and full to provide cover. Any thoughts/suggestions?


New Member
I would move out the cories and the micro fish and get your rcs to start breeding until you have a good population then move your micro fish in. Ive kept guppies of various types, dwarf groumis and badis badis with rcs with little to no damage so far.


New Member
Thanks for the advice. Hoping with micro with it will be a little better too but I definitely keep them out of the tank till I have a good population going.