shrimp breeding


New Member
i'm thinking of breeding cherry/ red crystal shrimp. anybody out there willing to buy ospring :?: what do you think a reasonable price is :?: please respond :tongue:


New Member
fishkid not trying to burst your bubble, but have you ever bred any freshwater shrimp? I current have cherry shrimp and tiger shrimp. I have only successfully been able to breed the cherry shrimp since there the beginner shrimp, when it comes to tiger shrimp I dont have the correct water paremeter setup for them to breed. Tiger shrimp and Crystal red shrimp are in the same family and have the same care, they are considered intermediate to advanced experience when it comes to caring and breeding them. So before you go out asking people if they want to buy shrimp maybe try and see if you can even get some to breed, just my opinion if it matters.


New Member
i have bred cherry shrimp and have kept crystals, how the crystals died was that i got a new school of guppies and they tore the shrimp to pieces :(


New Member
If you can get them to breed and have a good supply of them it would give me a reason to start up a new tank and finally use my fluval stratum substrate to obtain the lower ph and soften needed for them. So when the time comes and you a good stock of them let me know.


New Member
I breed red cherry shrimp(I should say they breed themselves) here in Bellingham. I also sell them for $1. each and always have more than I can sell. Red cherry shrimp are very common so you might want to focus on the crystals.


New Member
My wife and I are breeding orange-eyed blue tigers (OEBT) fairly successfully. They're a good bit more pricey though, and typically sell on AquaBid at between $7 and $10/ea in groups of 6 or 12.