What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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It might actually be the sajica
I thought that but tails on two fish have basically been completely bit off, not just torn up. The mollies did achieve the purpose of making him more comfortable in that he did come out and swam with them.


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Did morning gravel vac, water changes to all garage tanks except the one getting treated for Ich. As I got the water levels low, I was able to catch remaining mollies and move them to the 46 bowfront community. Found two dead bodies of mollies but the remaining ones did not look too bad. I had got them on sale and one was a free fish, so at least money loss was just one fish. If they survive, it looks like I have a male and two females, so a good ratio.

I love the bold outgoing nature of the oscar and pearsei, immediately after the water change they are begging so they got algae wafer treats


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Worked in the fishroom/garage for quite a few hours… and did nothing with the tanks or fish, lol. Been wanting to organize the garage a bit better and started with taking the storage rack apart that was full of junk and started going through stuff. Got rid of some old paint, threw out scrap wood and old building materials I was hanging on to. Moved the rack to form a wall which now I want to put a backer board on to give my room a finished look. Still have a bunch of organizing to do but loving the general feel of this set up.


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3 days into Paraguard treatments and the largest and smallest sevs are already looking a little better with less spots in fins and body. The middle sev is looking absolutely terrible but is still eating and seemingly not having any issues. The rest of the tank is doing well with none of the other fish showing Ich. I wanted to put the mollies in this tank but with the Ich didnt want to lose them.


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Today I ran to the Puyallup petsmart ( horrible selection) and picked up 5 female and 1 male guppy for my classroom 40g.

Their fish were nothing to write home about so decided I would wait to buy an additional male from some place else that has better guppies.

I’ll probably check out AP and the Lakewood petco next weekend. I’d like to get one of those “cobra” guppies, and the one they call tuxedo…. I’m 100% sure these are just line bred, but I also know that my students will enjoy them.

If they were for my planted tank at home, I’d attempt to source pure species of something a little more rare, but these are easily replaceable if the heater breaks or something else that could possibly happen in an 8tj grade English class. Haha


Legendary Member
Today I ran to the Puyallup petsmart ( horrible selection) and picked up 5 female and 1 male guppy for my classroom 40g.

Their fish were nothing to write home about so decided I would wait to buy an additional male from some place else that has better guppies.

I’ll probably check out AP and the Lakewood petco next weekend. I’d like to get one of those “cobra” guppies, and the one they call tuxedo…. I’m 100% sure these are just line bred, but I also know that my students will enjoy them.

If they were for my planted tank at home, I’d attempt to source pure species of something a little more rare, but these are easily replaceable if the heater breaks or something else that could possibly happen in an 8tj grade English class. Haha
AP had all black endlers.


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Got home and found the largest male molly dead. It wasn’t eating and the back looked as it had been bit so it likely succumbed to the damage done during the short time with the cichlids in the 65b.

The sevs are looking bad. The Ich spots look like they are gone but now all the fins are looking like they have a little fin rot. Im not sure if I should continue with Paraguard or switch over to something like General Cure.
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Contributing Member Level III
Did absolutely nothing with the fish from Thursday to today. I didn't even feed them. (We were in Canada :p ) was curious how they would do, and all is very well. Shipment of new rare tiger loaches and 2 f1 Niltepe trimacs will be arriving this week.
Cool! Where did you source the trimacs? I had only seen this catch location being sold by Max’s Cichlids and then after his big drama of shutting down the business, I heard his breeding stock was sold to Cichlids of the Americas. Saw them for a little while on the stock listings but then I didn’t see them again. Seemed like the source for the Niltepec had dried up…
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The sevs are looking much better with all Ich spotting gone off body. The fins even are looking better with what appeared to look like a bit of rot healing up. Have reduced the concentration of the Paraguard but am going to continue treatment since the Ich parasite is likely off the fish and in the water/rocks portion of its lifespan and I dont want fish infected again. During this time it was only the sevs that succumbed to it and I never even saw them flashing. Good little troopers look like they pushed right past this.

This tank has been kind of fun with the high level of activity with the hoplos, roselines and sevs. Super happy with the stocking and am leaving well enough alone. Not adding anything and letting the fish grow out and see how this all works. Will be a bit overstocked when all fish are grown out but if the aggression is not bad I will just up the water changes and keep the tank as is.


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Cleaned the 90 gallon that had the Ich. The Paraguard seemed to have worked well but left the glass with a white film which I took the mag float to but had to use a bit more elbow grease at the gravel line. Had to clean out the Aquaclear intake tubes too. While this medication is supposed to be safe for the biological system it sure did slime everything up. I know the instructions say 14 days but I decided to stop at 7 since the fish were looking good. That will probably come back at me, lol. At least the tank look clean.


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Cleaned the 90 gallon that had the Ich. The Paraguard seemed to have worked well but left the glass with a white film which I took the mag float to but had to use a bit more elbow grease at the gravel line. Had to clean out the Aquaclear intake tubes too. While this medication is supposed to be safe for the biological system it sure did slime everything up. I know the instructions say 14 days but I decided to stop at 7 since the fish were looking good. That will probably come back at me, lol. At least the tank look clean.
That's really strange. I have used Paraguard many times over the years, and I have never seen anything like you describe. :oops:


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Contributing Member Level III
That's really strange. I have used Paraguard many times over the years, and I have never seen anything like you describe. :oops:
Ive used it in the past but its been so long ago that I can’t remember if I ever had it happen before. I did do one water change midway during the treatment and used Seachem Safe conditioner. I had read you could do it during the treatment process but to wait a while before dosing the Paraguard. Maybe I dosed too soon after the water change and there was a reaction to the conditioner?