What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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@fishguy1978, Awesome, glad you could put those to use! And for me my fishroom and equipment is getting in check. Ive got some plans about spinning my big metal rack and creating a 'wall' to give it more of a room feel. I need to screw on a sheet of paneling of some sort on the rack and use storage bins to organize. I did get all the storage bins but I need to pull out everything in the rack and move shelves and get the bins in place.

At some point too Im working on a fishroom sign. I want to base it around a small oar and a small wooden, painted fish I have. I have a friend that does wood burning and was thinking of a 'welcome to the fishroom' thing or just 'David's fishroom' Its more an artistic thing so way down the list as to priorities.


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I topped off all my garage tanks… a lot of evaporation during our recent cold spell.

Also did a gravel vac and 1/2 drain and fill on my community 75g as I woke up this morning to finding one of my BN plecos dead and stuck in some live plants.

I think one of my bronze cory cats may be on his way out too, but I’ve had him for about 6 years so maybe his time has come.


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Just spent feeding time with the fish in the evening last night. Very fun when you have the wet pets like the oscar and pearsei that are very food driven and interact with you. The pearsei is a bottomless pit and eats more than the oscar which is like three times its size. I really want to put the pearsei in the 300 but am afraid of the bichirs going after him. Even though he is at least 5”+ at this point, still concerned. Hopefully soon, feel confident to do the move.


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Had forgot to mention, I have been working on the garage tanks. Taking some of them up a notch when it comes to aqua scaping. I had recently got the fake rocks for the 90gallon from Universal Rocks and have ordered some new plastic plants. I feel like a lot of my garage tanks are very utilitarian in looks with no real 'curb appeal'. If a fish needed a hide, I provided it and threw a bunch of stuff in the tank but no real purpose or layout except for maybe the 46 bowfront with the spiderwood centerpiece and the live plants. After the little bit Ive done with the new 90g community set up, Ive got motivation to really get things looking a bit more interesting.

The ones Im having the most challenge on? Both 65B are tall tanks with only a 36" length so its difficult to do much with these. The tendency is toward tall, upright driftwood to be able to keep swimming space for the medium sized fishes like the pearsei growout and the red wolf fish.
The other challenge is the 90 gallon Oscar tank. He like having the 'hide' with the large Mopani log but the tank is so visually unappealing that Im not sure what to do with it. He is not a bad digger but does aquascape his own tank a little so it will present a little challenge with plants and what not.

These are fakes from Universal rocks. Ive considered adding a massive piece like this to one of the tanks. I think it would make a huge impact... but maybe too big?
It measures:
Length: 17 in
Width: 12 in
Height: 18 in

This was another idea. Measurement make it seem WIDE at 13.5 inch, when its in an 18" wide tank but look at side shot and i believe its because of the slant.
Length: 18.5 in
Width: 13.5 in
Height: 18.5 in

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These were sold as assorted Mollies. Not the sailfin I wanted but these do look like natural, wild looking fish. These are in the 65b with the pearsei and sajica cichlid.

Was kind of cute, the little sajica has been holed up in a pleco tube, afraid to come out because of the pearsei. As soon as the mollies hit the tank, he came out and nipped at one.


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Nice green mollies :)
Hoping thats what they are. Shooting for a tank that is realistic as to fish from the area.

From underwater videos and some research there is a tetra which is not available in the hobby but a real close knock off is Buenos Aires tetra. Then there is a sicydium or type of goby I would like to find a similar fish to match too
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Contributing Member Level III
Hoping thats what they are. Shooting for a tank that is realistic as to fish from the area.

From underwater videos and some research there is a tetra which is not available in the hobby but a real close knock off is Buenos Aires tetra. Then there is a sicydium or type of goby I would like to find a similar fish to match too
Nice thoughts.

Monday I’m going to run out buy some guppies and a few cories for my classroom tank.

Thinking 2 males and 6 females for the guppies and 4-5 cories


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Well the stress of long shipping in cold weather did take its toll on my Red Sevs. I look in the tank today and the 3 of them have Ich on their fins. Hoplo cats and Roseline are just fine. Thankfully all fish are eating well and I think Im catching it early. Did a ParaGard treatment at half dose due to the cats but will slowly increase dose to recommend amounts.

I just may quit buying fish online during these Black Friday sales. Really the wrong time to be sending fish. As well as the sellers tried to pack the boxes and put heat packs in, the late evening delivery took its toll, compromised and stressed the fish. Hopefully they make it through this.


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Ugh, so the Mollies were a huge mistake. The 'gentle' vegetarian pearsei is still a cichlid at heart. Found one molly dead this morning with no tail. Another was missing part of a tail and yet another was nowhere to be seen. When I added them the pearsei did a bit of a chase but I had not thought of it as 'hunting' but that was apparently the case.


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I hadnt raise a Pearsei from young in a long time. Kind of had forgotten they would actually eat more of an omnivore diet at this stage with the more vegetation diet happening later. I do remember the smaller fish eating blood worms and other frozen foods that were more for omnivores. Guess my little t-bar cichlid was pretty smart hiding out in the pleco tube after all.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Ugh, so the Mollies were a huge mistake. The 'gentle' vegetarian pearsei is still a cichlid at heart. Found one molly dead this morning with no tail. Another was missing part of a tail and yet another was nowhere to be seen. When I added them the pearsei did a bit of a chase but I had not thought of it as 'hunting' but that was apparently the case.
It might actually be the sajica