What did you do with your tank(s) today?


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Contributing Member Level III
Did water changes on the 65B office tank with the hairy puffer and the Garage tanks, 65B with arrowhead puffer and 20L with the Red Devil growouts. This really will be easier when all the tanks are in one spot! Still plugging away at the garage tank rack project.


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Contributing Member Level III
Another tank cleaning day. Got all tanks water changed this weekend with the 300 getting a good scrub down. I am such a fanatic when it comes to the living room tank looking good because thats what people see when they walk in my house. Sadly my other tanks get a little dirty looking in comparison. Well dirty looking to me, lol.

I will say that running tanks way understocked like my solo puffers in 65B’s sure makes maintenance a breeze. The fact that they dont eat pellet foods also makes for a cleaner tank.

I took advantage of the Petco coupon this weekend, the $10 off $30 deal. I ordered some fish food and a bag of Seiryu Stone.

That was it for my fish keeping stuff this weekend.


Legendary Member
I did water changes in the fish room less the 100g. The Silver Dollars looked great yesterday. This morning the white patches are back on one of them. I change from prime to ultimate for my water conditioner. The ultimate adjusts alkalinity. I’m not sure if that is the cause but I am going to pick up a bottle of prime and do a water change or two and compare results. o_O


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I used to use Prime until I started doing multiple big tanks and the 300. I switched over to Safe. Its a powdered form of Prime but much more bang for the buck.
I use 1/4 tsp. for 300 gallons. 8.8 oz on Amazon for $10.99


Legendary Member
When you gotta be somewhere but you really need to get a water change done.
75%+ water change used an entire 2.0 Aqueon water conditioning bottle and added 3 magnolia leaves. I have an unlimited supply out front :)
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Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
When you gotta be somewhere but you really need to get a water change done.
75%+ water change used an entire 2.0 Aqueon water conditioning bottle and added 3 magnolia leaves. I have an unlimited supply out front :)
View attachment 5619
Love the water pump water changer! I need to make one myself
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Contributing Member Level III
Ive been in a fall cleaning mood... Doing extra cleaning on all the tanks and going through my fish stuff. I think I do this as overcompensation for the fact that I work around the house a lot in the summer so I let the tanks get a little dirty compared to other times of the year.

Moved all the Petsmart red devils into the 300


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Did some aquascaping on one of my 125's. Some of the Anubias were still in pots, so I tethered them to rocks with super glue gel. This tank contains young colonies of Xenotilapia spilopterus and Enantiopus kilesa. Here it is-



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Anubius is a slow growth plant. It is even slower when in high PH water.
I've actually been surprised at how well these plants have been growing over the last year or so; I have new leaves unfurling all the time! I think the trick here is to start out with good-sized plants. The tiny Anubias that you will find at PetSmart etc. don't do well at all in my tanks, but when I've started out with 'mother' plants with substantial root networks, they do great. My Vallisneria experiment, however, was a total failure, although I do know people who keep val in hard water tanks. Go figure. In any event, I am happy to be able to keep the Anubias in my Xeno tanks; they are pretty and help me break up the sight lines so as to make more territories. I have one 125 with a young adult colony of Enantiopus kilesa, and 4 of the males have already constructed nests and are defending territories. In the wild these guys build nests that are 2 feet in diameter! :eek: Maybe I'll start a separate thread about this and post some pics.


Legendary Member
I've actually been surprised at how well these plants have been growing over the last year or so; I have new leaves unfurling all the time! I think the trick here is to start out with good-sized plants. The tiny Anubias that you will find at PetSmart etc. don't do well at all in my tanks, but when I've started out with 'mother' plants with substantial root networks, they do great. My Vallisneria experiment, however, was a total failure, although I do know people who keep val in hard water tanks. Go figure. In any event, I am happy to be able to keep the Anubias in my Xeno tanks; they are pretty and help me break up the sight lines so as to make more territories. I have one 125 with a young adult colony of Enantiopus kilesa, and 4 of the males have already constructed nests and are defending territories. In the wild these guys build nests that are 2 feet in diameter! :eek: Maybe I'll start a separate thread about this and post some pics.

Oh, yes, yes. Please do


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Contributing Member Level III
Today I got the Garage 75 gallon set up. Not cycled but up and running. Will probably pull media out of another tank to jump start it.
I need to fine tune the heater still but its close to where I want it.


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Contributing Member Level III
@lloyd378 and I talked fish and swapped fish today. I said goodbye to my Koliba lap and weeksii bichirs and welcomed 9 baby midas cichlid. Possibly 10 but they wont stay still enough to count, lol. Thanks @lloyd378 for the midas!

Did a gravel vac/water change on the 300 to make catching the fish easier... thats all so far for today.
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