What are you keeping?


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Staff member
This is what I keep. Most of my Lake Malawi cichlids I have had for many years and their numbers are dwindling.

Lake Malawi
Iodotropheus sprengerae
Pseudotropheus sp. acei
Labidochromis caeruleus
Pseudotropheus flavus
Melanochromis auratus
Metriaclima greshakei
Pseudotropheus saulosi
Dimidiochromis compressiceps
Nimbochromis polystigma
Lake Tanganyika
Tropheus (Bulu Point "Cherry Spot")
Neolamprologus leleupi
Julidochromis marlieri (Gombe)
'Lamprologus' brevis (Katabe)
Altolamprologus calvus white (Chaitika)
Eretmodus cyanostictus Zambian Blue Spot
Lake Victoria
Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor Victoriae

Bristlenose plecostomus
Leopard frog plecostomus L134
Kuhli loach
Synodontis notatus, euptera, and one hybrid
Blood parrot


New Member
o god betty has the dreaded melanochromis auratus... species tank? w/ like 8 females? lol. either way impressive stocklist. needs more shellies if you ask me :laughhard: shellies are something everybody needs. theyre like chips.. u cant have just one
Melanochromis auratus - what a fish! The very first mbuna I bought about a hundered years ago! Bought them as juveniles, knew nothing about them, thought they were getting sick when some of them started getting this black coloration! Wow! Did I ever have fun with those guys! Great time for me learning about mouth brooders. As I'm thinking about it now, they could have been W/C back then. It was actually 30+ years ago.

This is the species that has me determined to get another tank full of mbunas, with Jim Beck's help, although I may not get auratus this time though. Might be a little too feisty for the group I put together.


New Member
o yeah ron? what are you thinking about getting? im putting together an order from the wet spot here soon if maybe u wanna split the shipping or w.e im in north tacoma off pearl st. and 30th. also got some lamprologus ocellatus babies coming up that may work out for your tang plans. also have multies coming out my ears lol. let me know if you wanna jump on board for any of this. still in the planning stage but hey you never know.

I too am in the planning stages and have to work out some details when I get home from Virginia after this Thrusday. I already have some fish lined up to come to me down the road and may not have room for more. But let's stay in touch.

Did I see an email from you to me on Airstone recently indicating we met at the last GSAS mtg? Help me out here! I was in a total whirlwind trying to get all my stuff ready for the meeting and then the flight the next morning. Had last minute h2o changes, feeding regimens to set up for my wonderful best friend and wife to manage for all our tanks, and quick acclimation of plants and fish after the meeting. It was a packed week! Oh yes...I even did some work in that time too!

Hey, wanna join us for a day trip to Blue Sierra Sat in Issaquah at 2pm? A group of us from SAS are going to their Grand Reopening Sale and celebrate with them. I'm meeting anyone that wants to pool up there at t-Mibile parking area in The Crossings Shopping Center in Federal Way right off Hiway 18 at 1pm. Gonna talk fish trash there and back and have a root beer at the XXX Root Beer Stand. Let me know.


New Member
lol i think i may have met you. i was right behind cory at the last meeting. my nametag said anthraxx lol and i was next to adal. did you snag some apistos?.. and ya id be happy to go along for the ride why not. i may have to deal with some time constraints as i am snagging some of jims fish this weekend. not sure on time just yet.. but ill let you know as soon as i do. im curious if maybe they can get some stock for me.. i havent been out for quite awhile. just a quick question.. the issaquah store isnt theyre salt water only shop is it?....


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Anthraxx said:
o god betty has the dreaded melanochromis auratus... species tank? w/ like 8 females? lol. either way impressive stocklist. needs more shellies if you ask me :laughhard: shellies are something everybody needs. theyre like chips.. u cant have just one
I had about 16 of them (auratus) plus tons of fry. I'm down to only one male now and he's several years old. They are psycho fish, but I love them anyway. :heart:
I don't remember seeing your nametag, but did you have on the ski-type cap? Sorta olive greenish color?

It'll be good to have you come along. As I remember, the Issaquah store use to have a lot of swf but I don't think they are 100% swf.


New Member
sounds like my meet up with jim will be a little later in the day then i hoped.. id still love to tag along but i doubt i could be in federal way before 2pm. got unknown number of fish coming in at like 12:30 saturday.. lol just call me up and maybe we can work out arrangements or something.. number is 253-906-9343
Well Anthraxx, we'll just get together another time. My number is 253-468-6445

Thanks Larry B. You think you might come over to the mainland for the day trip?


New Member
fishloverRon said:
Thanks Larry B. You think you might come over to the mainland for the day trip?
Unlikely. I was actually over last weekend, checking out a used tank. Looks like I'm going to buy it, but it'll be a while before I get it set up.

If people are looking for SW stuff I can now personally recommend Great Barrier Reef. Been hearing about them for a while and I was over in the right area so I stopped in last Saturday. Ended up spending 2 hours looking around and chatting with the staff. Great looking setups. They are having a big anniversary sale this weekend too.


New Member
hey there fins! long time no see. any chance you got some fuelleborni up for sale? or acei for that matter. im gonna be probably coming down to the area sometime in the near future to visit the wet spot.


New Member
I have thinned waaaay back to just a few species. Only listing my CA/SA cichlids for now (all breeding or bonded pairs):

Parachromis dovii
Parachromis motaguense 'rio blanco'
exCichlasoma festae 'rio tumbes'
Herichthys carpintis 'rio escondido'
Hypsophrys nicaraguensis
Thorichthys meeki


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Contributing Member Level III
Wow, JK that is a slim list. Just need your freddy and Eva Mendez and your done with your wish list! :lmfao:


New Member
DMD123 said:
Wow, JK that is a slim list. Just need your freddy and Eva Mendez and your done with your wish list! :lmfao:
Yeah I'm done with the community thing. I've been keeeping packed tanks for years so it's really rewarding to just focus on a few choice species and keep them in large tanks. Not everyones cup of tea but makes me happy.

The nics and firemouths are just my "play around with" species so when I move them on, I will pick up a freddy pair or jag pair and be done with stocking for a while. (unless I can get my hands on an Eva that is ;) )