What are you keeping?


New Member
Not everyone has a signature and I just put up one. However, it is nice to know what everyone is keeping. If for no other reason to know where to find certain things when looking for them.

Post everything you are keeping. :)


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Thanks TerenceH for the reminder! Come on people lets see what you are keeping! (In your signature! hint, hint)


New Member
Does have to be in the signature.... It just cool to read everyone's list. Those of you that keep plants etc post that too. :)


New Member
40 gallon tall(soon to be 70 tall)
6 steatocranus tinanti ..wild caught
2 Zamora Woodcats
1 female betta

(divided 10 gallon)
2 adults...lots of babies golden lyretail panchax killifish
1 Marbled Cray
cherry shrimp

(7 gallon colum)
2 adults awaiting fry Steel Blue Aphyosemion (blue lyretail killis)

(20 gallon tall)
2 adults 1000s of fry (feeders)

(25 gallon)
Guppies, mollys

(20 long)
1 Prickly sculpin

(growing out in 70 tall)
13 Paradise fish

nerite snails , MTS snails, brigs snails, ramshorns.

tons of Anubia, water sprite, tons and tons of pennywort, water lettuce, frog bit, salvinia
dwarf red lillys, java moss, chain swords, amazon swords, guppy grass ,rotala indica, parrot feather .and about 10 unknown plants..


New Member
Within the month, I will be changing fishs and tanks.
I will be scaling down to 3 tanks but all decent size tanks.

Current Stock
3 Geophagus sp. Tapajos 'Red head 55G
8 Cichlasoma festae Red Terror Cichlid - 110G
3 Orinocensus Peacock Bass 110G
2 Parachromis 'red Tiger' Motaguense 110G
1 Fahaka Puffer 55G

Rays and Silver arrowan on the list for the holidays....


Well-Known Member
Staff member
OK call me stupid and color me dumb. I have gone into my profile, clicked on signature, posted something and clicked on save. Every time I go to the sig link. it shows what I posted there, but nothing out here on my posts.

Am I freakin missing something??????????????????????????????????????????????


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks Aaron. But unfortunately I am not wasting another hour plus re-doing it. :)


New Member
lolz im too lazy to update it. but ive got stocklists posted all over the site. soon to be changing as i get all this new stock and get rid of older stuff. so perhaps in the near future itll have all my stuff listed.