Madness's Fishroom


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Contributing Member Level III
I will see you this weekend when I bring over the Manzamita. Just remember what ever I end up with needs to be large enough not to get eaten by the Midas, so anything in a 3 1/2" or bigger? Maybe zonatus?


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OK. Or maybe a beautiful pair of F2 Escondido's, or a really melow grammode, how about a cool looking Jag pair, or even some awesome looking Freddies, I know, a Mayan Cichlid. :)


All of those were great looking fish. Dident know you were selling adults. I might have picked up something else as well. When I put that big loisellei in my other one went ape for like 3 hours last night. They have chilled out a lot this mourning, and my original is only chasing a short distance every now and then. But last night everything in my tank got a little chewed up. Not bitten just runing into things while the two were going at it. Sucks, but they will all be recovered and looking good again in a few weeks. Geez my 180 is so over stocked right now. Can't wait to get a few fish outta here. I need to sell my catfish and get rid of my pleco and silver dollar. And this sub. dom. Male pearsei is going this weekend I think (dmd we still on). Still very happy with my purchase, and the great conversation. Good times.


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Anytime. :) Im always looking to clear a few items out now and then. Sometimes I get an itch and really want a certain fish, only to find out, nah I want something different. Ive had the Escondidos since they were 1/2", beautiful fish, but I am on the Parachromis bandwagon now. :)
The Grammode just doesnt compare to my old one. Maybe it will. :( And the others, well you know, anything is up for sell for the right price. :D

But as you know now VW, I have A LOT of grow outs that will need a home in a few months. :punk:


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fish_n_vw said:
And this sub. dom. Male pearsei is going this weekend I think (dmd we still on).
For sure I want that guy. Still planing on this weekend.


Well madness, you let me know when your ready to get rid of istlanum. I was really attracted to you isletus (spelling) as well. I will be looking for something to go in my 150 once it is set up. 1)black belt, 2-4) loisellei 2) breeding pair ideally isletus (again spelling) I think would round of a nice and active 150.


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I agree. But that F1 Istlanum you fell in love with :hugg: is staying with me. :D


I figured as much, hopefully you have a few nice sub adult isletas when I get that 150 up in about 6 months


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Just spent 2 hours in the fish room, kicked back in the desk chair, and watching the kids. It sure didnt feel like 2 hours. I have to give equal time to all you know. :D I know we all have tanks that we are proud of, so I am sure that I am not the only one that sits in front of them all, watching them for hours.

Am I? :scratch:

I noticed tonight in the 300 that my 2 Kraussi, which I thought was 2 females and still might be, are both occupying the pot that my Hoga likes to spawn in. My big Kraussi is about 11" and the small 6", so maybe I do have a M & F. Also in the 300, my Lenticulata Pike has just ballooned to about 10" long, and he is developing a little attitude. He was flaring and opening his mouth at every fish that came by, then he turned and did it to my big male Hoga. It was like, "Ooops didnt know it was you, sorry dont kick my butt", the Hoga just looked at him and laughed.

The girls in my Parachromis tank are all excited about me bringing home a male RTM (or 2) tomorrow morning. (anyone in the area of APFP first thing when they open, stop on by and say hi)

Over in the Vieja/Paratheraps tank all looks rambunctious as always. I do have one of my F1 Zonatus juvies that has really sprouted in the last couple weeks. (its about 5" now) My male Sieboldi that I just got was chomped in half. :( But for the most part all are doing great and coexisting very well.

The Xilo's have little wigglers today. The Zonatus and Hogas both have free swimming fry in the same tank.

And the grow out tank is very busy. The Festae along with the Lyonsi, Istlanum, Myersi, Bredohri, Bocourtti, Robertsoni and the Synspilus are all looking exquisite. The rest are looking great also, but just dont match up to the others yet. Here is what else occupies the tank. Honduran jags, Sthalsbergi, Fenestratus blue/red head, Fenestratus piebold, Hartwigi, Zonatus (yes more Zo's. they are from different F0 parents), Syno cats, L114 pleco, snowflake pleco, Ornate Polypterus, red finned botia loach, Red Ceibal, Rytisma, clown loach, & I know I am forgetting someone.

One thing I have to say. Those of you that own New World Cichlids, and are looking for top notch beautiful fish, buy from me. :D 8) :D

What? :roll: My fish are awesome. :lol: No serious, Gage @ cichlid connection has some absolutely beatiful fish. I have several different species with fish from Gage and some other places. Gages fish hands down, are far more beautiful.

Well I am done rambling. Night. :sleep:

::edited:: language


New Member
madness said:
Gage @ cichlid connection has some absolutely beatiful fish. I have several different species with fish from Gage and some other places. Gages fish hands down, are far more beautiful.

/Agree x 2346262


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Contributing Member Level III
madness said:
The girls in my Parachromis tank are all excited about me bringing home a male RTM (or 2) tomorrow morning.
Finally :cheers: , more hungry mouths to feed coming soon!

madness said:
I do have one of my F1 Zonatus juvies that has really sprouted in the last couple weeks. (its about 5" now)
Now if I added him to my tank, I would name him... (A bit of an inside joke between madness and I , due to my understocked tank)

madness said:
My male Sieboldi that I just got was chomped in half. :( But for the most part all are doing great and coexisting very well.
Any guess as to who did it? Is that in the tank with the ornate poly? Ive heard they can do some damage.

madness said:
One thing I have to say. Those of you that own New World Cichlids, and are looking for top notch beautiful fish, buy from me. :D 8) :D
All your fish are too little to be in with my Midas, unless a Bifa or Zone around lets say 5" comes up...


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So IF my Zo came to you, ya he would finally get a name. Say Rico maybe.

And yes my 12" Poly could have done it.

Maybe the Zo will be up for sell. Maybe.....


New Member
Drooling again. Im sorry, I am so fascinated by your room. Not that I am inviting myself, but I would love to come look at your collection. I have friends that live in Orting. I haven't visited them in a while, maybe I will soon. :D

Thanks for sharing, and that Poly looks like a beast.


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Thank you very much. Whenever your ready, just let me know. :D Maybe by then my room will be expanded. :?: But thats still a little ways out.


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Time for a couple udates. These are of my Vieja tank. Took the pics from below the tank level. I think they turned out cool, let me know what you think.

Also a pic of my WC Devils. Boy did my female take a beating in the other tank she was in.








WC Female blue Devil



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Contributing Member Level III
I hadnt really paid attention to the pattern on the big old red devil male until just now. He passed along that to a few of his offspring. Glad I got one of them!


New Member
madness said:
Time for a couple udates. These are of my Vieja tank. Took the pics from below the tank level. I think they turned out cool, let me know what you think.

Also a pic of my WC Devils. Boy did my female take a beating in the other tank she was in.

Wow very nice! I like how the aurgument stands that if you can't prove where you collected the fish, it has to be a midevil. Show me a A. citrinellus with lips like that ^ lol... I love it. Not sure if you've seen the massive poly they have at the wet spot or not but I saw it this morning and looked to be over 10". I didn't know you were into poly's so hadn' mentioned it.