Fishy Porn (i walked in on my discus spawning)


New Member
thanx! working on day 3 of fry watch..i kinda startled her this morning so i didnt get a pic before heading into work today


Well-Known Member
They will starve to death without her (or his) slime coat. That is their milk once they have consumed the eggsack.


New Member
im well aware of that. im working on getting fry to last even that long(it takes a little over a week till theyre even able to swim with any sort of self control, so their parents slime coat is a moot point so far)+ not get eaten by the parents. fortunately they breed weekly , so I have plenty of chances to experiment. this is made difficult by the fact that I wont keep them in a breeder tank, I allow them to spawn in the community(the rest of the fish being neons+rasboras+corys). if I were to go that route, im sure id be more successful, but bare tanks aren't an acceptable option to me


Sup. Nick. Haven't seen you in awhile. When you get baby discus going (meaning pass the getting babies not eaten) discounts to sirwesdragon. Jk but id like to try discus someday. :spoton: 


Well-Known Member
Wow, discus are so expensive. You could make a buck. It is no doubt the tetras and cats chowing down. Tank doesn't have to be bare. I raised fry to adulthood and had grandfry, all in the same fully planted tank. However, I only had discus in it, nothing else. Just seperate the tetras from the discus, keep the water clean, and they won't breed fast enough to keep up with demand.