Fishy Porn (i walked in on my discus spawning)


New Member
being the sensitive guy I am, I recorded their private moment
the make is the larger of the two

[flash=425,350]" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]


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Contributing Member Level III
It was all normal... until the music started. :lmfao: 

Nice camera work... congrats on the spawn.


New Member
this is a weekly occurrence here, its just the first time I awhile that ive walked in on it...the challenge is getting the fry to survive in the community tank- ive made it a week at the longest


Lol. Only nick_76. Would title that post. Nice vid. You should work for porn industry as a video editing tech. Lol


Well-Known Member
Oh wow you have got to segregate that beautiful pair at least once and save the fry. I am certain I am not the only person who would gladly by some babies.


New Member
they have their own tank. tried to introduce another discus into this tank cuz it was having personality conflicts in the 90...well, it didn't go well so back to the 90 it went

long story short, these two have a 75 gallon to themselves...and some neons , and a pair of keyhole cichlids who I had spawn only once.

I would have better luck in a sterile breeding tank, but I really don't care to keep my fish in bare tanks, nor do I have the room in my current place. I keep telling myself one of these weeks ill make it longer than a week past hatching


New Member
SiRWesDragon said:
Lol. Only nick_76. Would title that post. Nice vid. You should work for porn industry as a video editing tech. Lol
good one. I actually had to remove the sound cuz I had just gotten home, my dogs (a golden retriever and a Labrador)were excited as always that I was home- but with all the heavy breathing going on, I didn't want people thinking I was getting excited over the fish!


Well-Known Member
I have had discus spawn in a tank with other tankmates of the same species. They grew into adulthood without ever leaving the tank. They are very susceptible to nitrite and nitrate but you have a well planted tank there. Maybe mom and dad aren't supplying enough nourishment in their slime coats.


New Member
hyp3rcrav3 said:
I have had discus spawn in a tank with other tankmates of the same species. They grew into adulthood without ever leaving the tank. They are very susceptible to nitrite and nitrate but you have a well planted tank there. Maybe mom and dad aren't supplying enough nourishment in their slime coats.
I generally lose about half my eggs over the gestation period. mom typically eats the wrigglers within a few hours best luck ive had was taking the eggs from the parents on the morning they were supposed to hatch and putting them in a breeding net in a high flow area....

last time I made it that far, mom ate the fry on be fair, she was stressed from having just been caught and tossed into quarantine. I think next time ill introduce them to the dad- he doesn't have a taste for sushi- or at least hasn't gotten the chance to try


Well-Known Member
Sometimes new moms eat their kids just because their neurological parenting instincts haven't caught up with their physiological instincts to lay.


New Member
time will tell. this is a weekly event. shes come quite a way from eating the eggs immediately after laying them


New Member
yea...that's why im thinking introducing them to the dad as they become free swimming might be my best bet....but its gonna take like him in the tank a few days prior to reduce stress.
my class load is a bit rough this semester though so how elaborate I get with these guys is dependent on what free time I get


Well-Known Member
YAY SCORE AGAIN! HAHA Nick! I hope everything goes well with them this time :) Im still waiting on the call to move back to Boston but if I dont go, you know I'm the first on your list to purchase those babies ;)


New Member
so, update: yesterday the eggs hatched, and since the mom previously has had a history of eating the wigglers, I took the leaf away and put it into a breeder net where it can still get come circulation without the shock of transferring them to another tank with differing water qualities (this is all taking place in the community tank, not a QT)
strange -or touching - thing happened. looks like the motherly instincts may have kicked in.
after I separated the newly hatched fry from the parents, I went up to seattle for a few hours, I came home to this:

she has never done that. the corner where she is facing is where the wigglers are. at 430 this morning this is what I woke up to(she ducked down a little as I took the pic):

I come home from work at 2, and shes still there:

then I went back up to seattle for a few hours, came back at 8 to see (yea you guessed it):