You know your a fish keeper when,


New Member
Haha, I wish my Luka(2 yr old Lab) would watch my fish that calm. He sits and gazes, then starts nosing the glass which does 2 things. First scares the fish to the back of the tank, and second leaves a smearing of nose prints all over.


... when terrestrial plants and trees begin to resemble aquatic plants o_O and you start naming out the aquatic plants they resemble.


namru9 said:
Haha, I wish my Luka(2 yr old Lab) would watch my fish that calm. He sits and gazes, then starts nosing the glass which does 2 things. First scares the fish to the back of the tank, and second leaves a smearing of nose prints all over.

Angelman said:
After doing water changes, You go out to eat and order your food and you notice duck weed on you arm.



New Member
When your friends ask you what you are doing this weekend and you reply, water changes and aquascaping...... and they reply ummmmmm ok with a funny look on their face. Or when your girlfriend forwards you deals on tanks from Craigslist and offer up..... Every Sunday is date day and it always ends with a trip to a new of favorite LFS....


annnnd officially jealous aeroman9000.....your dates end at fish stores??? lucky dog!! lol

when you smell something off and realize it's your arm because you forgot to actually wash it after drying the fish water off.


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bassetman said:
Wait one minute.....cameras work on people?
My camera has a stupid 'flower' setting... shouldnt it have a 'fish' setting?


New Member
mine does.. its a tiny little fish icon with a single bubble coming out of its mouth. go canon for understanding the needs of their customers! :)

Will I am

New Member
When water changes and cleaning tanks are a part of your schedule. You get the "hey, what are doing sunday around 11am"?
Response: "I'll be doing water changes and cleaning my fish tanks til 1p".


New Member
My two toy rat terriers are fish window lickers.. I clean the glass on the 125 daily because they sit on the back of the couch trying to catch the blind cave fish. The blind fish don't care, they don't see the teeth coming at them, the feeders scatter.

As for dates at the fish store, My girl is just as into her fish as I am mine (Yes, she has her own Ornate Bichir and Gar in their own tank.)

Not many pics of people on my camera or phone. Lots of the tanks and my dogs...


New Member
You know you're a fish keeper when... You notice things at the grocery store that were never intended to be aquarium related, yet you know a great use for it in your tanks...

I bought a new "natural sponge" for the shower. It came packaged in a plastic mesh bag with a suction cup attached... Should work great as a bag for loose media, or over a filter intake to keep shrimp and feeders out of the filter...


New Member
You know you're a fish keeper when... Your children state that you need help. They just shake their heads at you, while you're trying to tell them about your fantastic plans to turn the living room into a fish tank. I mean, come on! Do we really need to watch television and hang out in there? I think not!