what is your most important piece of Equipment


New Member
I'm just curious on peoples response to this, for me it's the same as when I ran FW tanks, but I'll save my answer as I want to see what others think


New Member
Kind of a bias'ed question.
I think, every piece of equipment plays an important role.
But...if patience can ever be considered an equipment, I'd pick that.


New Member
For me? My mind and the ability to research and ask questions. That is, by far, any fish-keepers most valuable piece of equipment.


New Member
Okay let's try it this way, something other than mind or yourself, something you bought or made. That helps to keep your fish, corals, etc. alive and striving. :D :p


New Member

Using bio bale, instead of the other bio media. I don't have documented proof, but seem to establish quicker.


New Member
I have a float_tec pump that I got from a trade, I use that thing for when I move tanks around the house. moving a 125g use to take days, I can do that in 1 hour now. I use it to pump water from and to tanks. it also helps me change the water. I do use prime, and ph control but I age my water to room temperature for bigger volume change.


New Member
I would have to say my FX5's.. and figuring out how to do a water change using it.. I can pump out 150 gallons out of my tank in 10-15 minutes now..lol Now re-filling take a bit longer.. :(


New Member
sonnys503 said:
I have a float_tec pump that I got from a trade, I use that thing for when I move tanks around the house. moving a 125g use to take days, I can do that in 1 hour now. I use it to pump water from and to tanks. it also helps me change the water. I do use prime, and ph control but I age my water to room temperature for bigger volume change.
how do you age water by room temp; especially at that amount?


New Member
Oh yea and i almost forgot "GENERATOR" !!!!! It's came in handy a few times over the past couple years.. I live in an area where the power goes out several times a year. :(


New Member
Okay I finally found someone thinking the way I do, :p All my equipment is important for different reasons but I have to say for me it is a Generator. I personally have two large ones, the fish are always hooked up before the house


New Member
I also have a couple Azoo Back up Battery powered air pumps hooked to Sponge Filters in my 300 also.. That way if i'm not home when the power goes out they automatically come on and provide air for up to 10 hours.. Then when power comes back they charge themselves back up.. Glad i bought them.


New Member
sorry I wasn't clear on the aged water. I have several 45gallon barrels that I use. fill, prime, ph and pump water from it as needed. sorry not really aged water, nor is it considered cycled water. I used to change water straight from the tap, add prime/conditioner, and PH, 20% or less is cool, but if I did larger volume, I loss 1 fish ever water change.
So now I use the Barrels for changing my tanks, seems to work for me, yes its a PITA. but them fish aren't cheap. I've killed a colony or caribes due to high chlorine, so I'm not risking anymore...
the barrels are stored right next to my water heater down in my basement, so it works out for me. hidden away.


New Member
Very good idea, thankfully my reef can go 24hrs w/out anything on if it had too. Since I'm moving in a year I haven't set up an automated Generator system, that will be one of the first things set up on the new place.


New Member
hbluehunter, I know what you mean by the Generator. I've suggested to my buddy who has over 50K worth of fish, but no he's taking the risk. I was up in Seattle one year when the power was out for a week, Eerie times, my inlaws had to eat McDonalds every morning for that period of time. I $%^& my pants if i loss power for 3 days, good bye fishies....