Smiling Acara


New Member
Ok long time no update. Been out of town alot and have not made it a priority to post. So I had a male die, and now beliee I have 1 male and 4 female. They seem to lay eggs every 3 weeks. the eggs hatch within 48hrs. Problem I am having is the wiggles dont seem to last more then 72hrs. I dont see any lil fish bodies on the bottom. No PH change or temp fluctuations. Only acara and a few ottos in the tank so unless mom and dad are eating them... not sure. I am currently cycling a 30gal tank to move the breeding pair to. I am hoping my isolating the two I can discern the culprit. Wish me luck!


New Member

Separated female and a male from the pack. I now have about 150 pea sized fry i will need to find homes for lol. Cheers!