New in the Muk.


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Nice meeting you today at the shop. Glad you found your way to the site.


New Member

Current breeding setup. I'm going to have to move all these tanks to a house in a few months so the stand was pretty much done half fast and cheap as possible. 2x6's and cinder blocks. I also have a 37 gal, 55 gal and had to put a 10 gal in the fireplace because i ran out of room for a hospital tank, hahaha.


New Member
All Livebearers right now. Lots of guppies and endler's, a few others. I plan on expanding to do killies in a few months when i find a house.

the breeding set up right now is:
8 - 10 gal's
13 - 5 gals
3 - 20 gal long's


New Member
I have 3 endler types. Tiger, black bar, and red chili. Lots of guppies and right now I'm just weeding through them so i can get some better quality, but i like the cobra and snakeskin so i think i'm mostly going to be breeding those and eventually moscows.


Staff member
I stopped writing that blog and have moved it to now. I don't get as much time anymore to do the DIY projects :(

Now I just make youtube videos as it's faster for me :p You should check out the summer tubbin threads/videos and breed some livebearers outside this summer.


New Member
Hahaha, I wish. I'm renting a condo right now. Been house hunting though so hopefully will have a place soon to expand. Really wouldn't mind a pond with wild type mollies... and just a bigger fish room in general.