My collection of fishes


New Member
Picked up 3 nice moorri, for 6.99 each, roughly 2.5 inches. Better than the 1 inch I picked up a month back. Anyone in the Portland are wants them they are at Kayes if this doesn't violate topic forum rules. Just sharing good deals. I'll post pictures if and when I have time.


New Member
Wow! The 450 is huge, looked smaller at damiens garage.
It taking up half of my garage, and teres no way I can get it down stairs.
Have it running 30% filled, love it but can't get it down stairs.
I'm contemplating on trading with anyone who has a 240-300gallon, has to be 7 foot by 30 invhes deep, and prefer 30 high but 24 is okay. I can manage a rectangle tank but the 5x5 is too hard to
maneuver down stairs.


New Member
I might end up hiring some guys to move it for me, before I do so i want to plumb it before moving so. I'll need to make a new stand, the current stand is 38 inches high and my door is only 30 inches wide. its a great tank, just not the right fit. make a really great Ray tank. I'm going to try to keep it at the same time seeing if anyone is willing to trade... :)


New Member
Had some down time over the weekend, so I snap some pictures, didn't quit setup my lights the way I had wanted, i was in a rush, here are some pictures of my current stock and set up.

I've scaled down to 5 tanks, 125, Breeder, 120 African, 75 Fire Eeel (not shown), 55 Geophagus, and 10 grow out Peacock bass. After writing up a spread sheet on a 300G, I decided to put it off.
It would cost me over a $1000 to put up a 300Gallon, I need to sale all my tanks in order to get a 300 gallon, for the time being I want to enjoy what I have, especially my family tank, which is the 75 Gallon Fire Eel tank (not shown).

55 Gallon

Red Head Tapajos and Clown Loaches


125 Breeder set







Sold the 250 Gallon (wished I hadn't )
Sold the 450 Gallon (Way too big for my fish room)
Sold the 125 Acrylic Frontosa Tank
Sold the 125 Gallon Grow out tank for my Future 300 Gallon fish.
Sold the 100 Gallon
Sold the 90 Gallon

I am hoping to find a 7X2.5X2.5 tank, prefer Acrylic.


New Member
My favorite tank at the moment; its a 120 gallon Acrylic, with a simple sump that's about 20-30 gallons, running with a Genx PCX40 pump, also running with a Fluval 404. hoping to exchange the filtering system to a Fluval FX5. I can't stand the noise. currently housing 8 Moorii and 3 Wild Caught Multipunctatus.


I'll get better pictures when I move the 55 gallon out of the way. I am hoping to sale some of my breeder Malawis. then move my Moorii and Multipuncttuas into the breeder section tanks. opening up the 120 for my Geos and clown Loaches. I'm hoping to replace the 55 with a 90 if not a 300 gallon.


New Member
Hey I'm curious as to where you acquired your Geos. Redheads, size and price. I've just
begun to start my tropical fish endeavor and am enthralled with Geos. Tapajos (red or orange).

When I can afford a 75gl. or a 100gl. tank they will be my feature fish. What do you have
as tank mates with them? Any quick info (on your end) would be much appreciated! Thanks!

You sure have a lot of water to maintain and some very nice fish!


New Member
Hey I'm curious as to where you acquired your Geos. Redheads, size and price.
Wet Spot @ less than an inch $10.00

What do you have as tank mates with them?
At the moment Clown Loaches, but when the Clowns get to 3-4 inches, I will move them out, I am hoping to get some Tetras, and some Anubias plants.

Any quick info (on your end) would be much appreciated!
Red Heads are very hard to find. especially adults and Wild Caught.

hbluehunter has 2 large Adults he is looking to get rid of. so PM him.
I know a local breeder here close to Portland, but he is moving tanks and fish around and hasn't focus on Breeding them.

any adult size of 2 inch or more will be spendy, I see them time to time online.
Teh Geo red head tapajos don't color at a young age, that is why most people don't have interest in them.

I'll send you a PM.


New Member
Never thought I spend more than $20 at pet smart. Picked up 3 medium clown loaches, 1 black ghoust knife or me daughter, and rainbow shark, 2 Senegal bichirs. I went in there to get some silver dollars as fillers but silver dollars were all sold out.


New Member
Sorry for tnhe typos, the phone has a tendency to auto spell. Todd the fronts went to Justin Thraser in Albany, I gave Hume most of my Tanganyikas. He enjoyed them when they were I. My hands, they grew out nice some were reaching the 3 inch mark.


New Member
Thanks for the info Sonny, please tell him to feel free to come by and post some pics of them, there are several others with my fry on the forum, so it's interesting to watch how they all grow and color up. Plus they will always be my babies in my heart :9*:


New Member
me said:
Thanks for the info Sonny, please tell him to feel free to come by and post some pics of them, there are several others with my fry on the forum, so it's interesting to watch how they all grow and color up. Plus they will always be my babies in my heart :9*:
I will.


New Member
Come this weekend, I will be African Free. I am moving to EarthEaters, Geophagus, mainly Red/Orange Head Tapajos. I'm going back to basics, communities, and planted tanks, for Audrey is starting to like fish. I am catering to my daughters. I've given up searching for a 300 gallon, if and when the opportunity knocks, I'll be sure to seize it, but no longer searching for a 300 Gallon.

I'm down to the following:

125G : Orange Head Tapajos and Clown Loaches.
120G : Fire Eel, African Knife, Black Ghoust Knife, Rainbow/Bala shrks, Tin Foils, Sehegal Bichir.
75G : Grow out Cichla Ocellaris and 2 Green Terrors
60G : Planted community
55 Hospital - Holding Moorii to be pickup this weekend.

I'll post pictures when I have time, I'm learning how to capture aquatic life, but building my 125 Gallon stand is first and foremost.


New Member
so I've decided to get away from African Cichlids, and now back to South Americans and Predators. I've decided to get rid of my 55 and 60 gallon tanks. keeping the 75 Geos, 120 Clown Loaches, and 125 Mixed tanks. i will now begin my search again for a 300 gallon for future Rays, Bichir collections. in the mean time... i took some pictures today, sorry about the Moorii, I moved them to my 125 and that tank is not well lit, so the pictures are blurry, regardless if I shoot with flash or now. enjoy....



Audrey's Eel, she names it after her big sister, Claire. :)


The PVC pipe is 3 inches wide.



My biggest Clown Loach of 19. he's about 3-4 inches

The 75 Geo Orange Head Tapajos and fillers (Buenos Aires Tetra X10, Rose BarbX3, Scissor Tetrat X3)

The wife like the custome stand and hood, otherwise I would have replaced the 75 Gallon a long time ago.
Hoping to paint the back black soon.

The 120 Clow Loaches Tank , don't let the image fool you, its 50X24X24.

125 Gallon Mixed Tank

Back on the Wish List a 300 gallon.... some MotoRays pups, to start with and a Black Arrow on ordered. Enlis if and when I go to the bay area.


New Member
I went to the pet store to get some boxes, came home with a 5" clown loach, then went and picked up spot a 2.5 inche clown loach, I now have 21 clown loaches. Maybe just maybe, 1 more odd ball clown loach.

My faughter decided after seeing the red Fire eel at the lfs store she decided she wants 2 more, :)


New Member
YO... sonny whats it take for one of them fire eels and how much they going for? think maybe one of them or a fw snowflake eel still kicking the idea around


New Member
Cost wise: $20 for like a small 6" to grow tht big like the one I have, I was told it's 5 years old. At tht size rare.
Caye says they sell tht size for $150, store credit $75 :)
they are great at large size, when small they hide all the time.

Mine eats off hand, shrimp, blood worms, brine, and loves earth worms.
As for size of tank, your 180G would be good.

Fw snw eel, hmm, the fire eel is much better, :)
there are 2 variant, red and orange, mine is orange.

I'll send you a pm.