GSAS Presents: Mike Wise - Apistogrammas - October 8th


New Member
Betty said:
lloyd378 said:
What does membership run? I'm not sure I will be able to attend many "live" meetings as with my young kids I'm usually needed a lot at night especially dinner, bath, and bed time.... But being able to watch online after the fact may be worth it!  Thanks. This presentation sounds really cool
It's only $15 for a year's membership. That membership gets you discounts at sponsor stores. The meetings and auctions that follow make it a late night for those of us who live far away, but I  try to make it to as many meetings as I can.  They're usually interesting even if you know nothing about the subject matter and there are good deals to be had at the auctions.  (Oh, they also have raffles and door prizes at some of the meetings.  The first meeting I went to, I won a book on Tanganyikan cichlids by Ad Konings and since he was the speaker that night, I got him to autograph it for me. :D The last meeting I went to, I won a bag of little cory cats!)
On top of all that Betty has shared and the online availability of presentations others are speaking about, there is a library that you can checkout books and videos from, there is a monthly newsletter full of all kinds of interesting information, and the best part.....there is a great group of people with a wealth of knowledge, breeding lots of fish and growing lots of plants, to share and network with. Life is good with GSAS membership...truly.


New Member
Also it may have been said already but you can come to Tuesday meeting/speaker and you don't have to join, you can just see what you think... but for $15/year it's a GREAT deal as noted above. My father-in-law came with me to a few speakers and then during the last one said, I might as well join too.


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

For the GSAS Members that attended yesterday evenings "Member's Only' presentation I hope you enjoyed Mike's Amazon adventure collecting cichlids as much as I did! If last night was any indication Tuesday night's meeting is looking like it will be a presentation you don't want to miss! The Tuesday meeting is open to guests so please join us.



Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Don't forget that tomorrow night is the GSAS meeting with our special guest speaker Mike Wise sharing is tricks and successes with breeding Apistogrammas.  Doors open at 6:30 and the meeting starts at 7:30.....I hope to see you there!




Well-Known Member
Some of those apistos in his presentation were amazing looking. The sp. Miua was my fav with the elaborate fin markings in that deep blue.


New Member
Yeah just wait until his private talk from Sunday is online... he showed us some fish that will most likely never make it to the public and a couple will BLOW YOUR MIND... there was one at the end of his talk that has only been seen once, it came it by itself with a fish shipment from Bogota Columbia and nobody knows what it is but the color on it is crazy!