Does Pimafix work?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Can you catch the fish? If so, hold it in your hand and use your finger nails to drag it off. If it is cotton it will brush off, if it doesnt just brush off and feels hard like you almost have to scrape it off, then it indeed is Lymph


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Honestly, before you euthanize him, I would do what I suggested just so that you have an idea of what it was, so that you can possibly take precautions for future issues.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
If it is Lymph, it doesnt look that bad, and maybe all the fish needs is some good clean water to get healthy and put it back into its dormant stage.


I'm sorry I must sound like I'm heartless! but the ram has been sickly since I got him, and I don't have the money to set up his own tank so he doesn't infect everyone else.


New Member
Pimafix works for what its meant for. As for fish herpes, gross!

Once a fish gets sick like this, he will never full recover (unless its an African lol). I've had a couple bettas with velvet, ick and all that nasty shit that hits them all at once. They get healthy, but never fully recovered before dying unexpectedly.

I don't think you sound heartless, a fish is a fish. It's smart to cull when needed, especially to protect the rest of the tankmates.

Is he stressed out by the other fish at all? Does he flash on a certain object? Is the tank overstocked? etc etc


Im not sure if the other fish are stressing him out, they all seem to get along. He shares the 40gal tank with 4 platies and an angel fish.


I hate how empty it is :suspect:  I would love to stock it more but I need to get my quarantine tank set up first.


New Member
Use an old ice cream container! Sponge filter and 2.5gal heater. Very inexpensive compared to other tanks, and doing it like that would help to keep yourself from converting the quarantine tank into just another tank (I've done it a few times lol).

Of course that limits the size of the fish and the amount you could get at once.


I have a camera that I don't use, I'm hoping I can find someone on CL that will trade a 10gal setup for it. An open bucket just invites cats to go fishing :whistle