
New Member
He doesn't look unhappy or sick...fins are free flowing and not stuck to the body, which is always a good sign.

Is that a Chinese algae eater below him?


New Member
Yep! He thinks he owns that tank. At least he runs the bottom feeders. A dojo loach,a yoyo loach, 4 corys julis &pandas and another Algae eater, who
I don't see much. They do get along most of the time. There are also gouramis, angels and harlequin tetras. All in all a very congenial tank. 30 gal. hex.


New Member
If you have a UV filter it wouldn't hurt to run it on the tank. That way if a free floating organism has caused it the UV will zap any of it in the water. Just put it on the outlet side of a canister if you can find an inline one. Or you can even use a powerhead to run an inline one.
I keep an inline UV on hand and put it on any tank that has issues, they are a nice safety net when it comes to weird issues, can't hurt and may help!


New Member
I don't have one. Considered it several times, just haven't got it. Knowing how we fish keepers love the gadgets, I probably will have one before long. :roll: I just checked him. Bump is about the same size and he is still unaware of what is happening to him. Perhaps that is good. :sunny:


New Member
Well, just an update, my little Gourami took a turn for the worse last night. Looking very dazed and setting on the coliseum. which he never does. He was dead this morning. I opened the bump and it was a cyst. Full of cheesy like stuff. Anyway he showed absolutely no signs of discomfort til last night.


New Member
Oh, your such a kick! sidekicking! Probably will too. I did a double water change today. Sometimes thats better than one big one. All the other seem fine. I've lost a couple fish out of that tank lately. It seems to be a little too on the acid side. most of the fish I have in there are acid lovers or neutral, but I think you can over due it sometimes. it was less than 6.5. :( anyway just thinking outloud. Old people do that a lot.


New Member
Maybe this is far fetched, but can fish get abscess? My horse had one and it turned into a bump that burst. again, prob far fetched, but that is as for as my experiences with any bump that busts.


New Member
I lost him about 2 weeks after I first noticed it. He never showed any stress the whole time he showed it. Then he just died. I did lance it after he died and it was apparently a large sebaceous cyst. Sometimes caused by bacteria. He was a beautiful, spunky little guy. Always chasing someone. :cry: