Recent content by Discuslover

  1. Discuslover

    FS...55 tank,stand,canopy.....P/U. Marysville

    55 gal. Glass with stand and canopy. Fair condition. Some scratches but its hardly visible when filled. Could use a wipedown as its been sitting in my garage. $100 OBO PM if interested ...
  2. Discuslover

    Weird spotting on stressed discus

    Im gonna guess its not ich. Its far to uniform in appearance.
  3. Discuslover

    Discus tank re scape

    Laying a heater horizontal just above bottom will allow the heater to function at its most optimal. Provided it can get enough current around it. Heat rises and his dispersed by the current of course I do this and stash it behind the aquascaping so it isn't seen. The heaters...
  4. Discuslover

    Discus tank re scape

    If you go black on the background....lay your heater horizontal(which is more beneficial anyway..) Not critiquing just observing....then your tank will look so awesome! Again....each to their own....but man that would make it sweet!
  5. Discuslover

    What happens when an Amazon Sword has 150 PAR of light

    Amazon swords are funny that way....I've had them explode in growth in low par. I have one in a dimly lit tank....because I didn't want to toss it away....I just put it in an extra tank.....but it still hangs on and does well.
  6. Discuslover

    Starting a new tank stand project....

    Geezuz.....and I mean that in a good way......wooohooo! Take pics!
  7. Discuslover

    Findind a Mate for my Lonely oscar

    Try aqua pets in Marysville. They had a big one the other day
  8. Discuslover

    Car, occupation, and interests

    Hvac? Aha!!!
  9. Discuslover

    Crappy Photos of my tanks

    Lol.....i turn mine around
  10. Discuslover

    Crappy Photos of my tanks

  11. Discuslover

    Car, occupation, and interests

    OK. I am a construction superintendent for a regional HVAC company. My better half Marie is a dental hygienist. I love to fish. Been chasing steelhead for years. Live in Marysville. Work all over greater Seattle. We have 2 Dodge Rams.
  12. Discuslover


    I use the freezer method . Metabolic slowly drops and puts them to rest.
  13. Discuslover

    CL Find - Aquarium /Fishtank - $60 (poulsbo)

    Looks by the size of the food container that it may be more like best
  14. Discuslover


    Definitely black...
  15. Discuslover

