A coupe years back, I made the mistake of planting a St. John’s wort in my front garden… before I planted it, I have a nice patch of mottled deer tongue ( fawn) and trillium.
Every year I battle it, but this year, it took over everything. I am finding it to be a huge pain as the underground roots travel like running bamboo.
This morning I took out about 1/3 of it ( which filled my yard waste bin).
After this rain storm blows over, I’ll head back out to tackle some more.
Unfortunately, while pulling them out, I have trampled a bunch of the plants I want to keep. I know that they will come back next year, but I’m still a bit irritated by the whole ordeal.
This is the first year that the at John’s totally took over and I’m feeling like I need to eradicate it all to same me time in the future.
First pics are of my native species, the last couple are the aftermath of my trampling and beginning stages of removal.