Veaja Argentina acting weird


New Member
So just drop the two I got from Aaron in my tank the larger one is swimming corkscrews across the tank and is covered in air bubbles, think it got pretty beat up last night by my Dempsey. The Dempsey is leaving it alone today though, not sure what to think?


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Not a good sign. When they get beat that bad many cases they do not recover. Have you separated the fish out or put in a divider?


New Member
DMD123 said:
Not a good sign. When they get beat that bad many cases they do not recover. Have you separated the fish out or put in a divider?
Yes divider, I think his pectoral fins are messed up all the spines are separated kinda like angel fish on nemo


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
If it has stopped swimming corkscrews and has settled down you might get it to pull through. Just the typical advice. Clean water, good food and some TLC.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Sorry to hear that.

You really need to be careful introducing new fish into an established territory. Many people will completely rearrange a tank when adding new fish to confuse the current top dog or use a divider to introduce new fish.

What size were the fish in question and what size is the tank?


New Member
I did rearrange the tank even added more stuff... It's a 55g with a 5-6" JD (the bully) and the veaja that was killed was close to 4" the smaller veaja is doing fine though....


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The larger Argentea was more of a threat to the JD. You will find that you could of added a 4" Dovii and the JD would have done the same thing. Regardless of the temperament of the fish you add, they will always be stressed out and bow down to the dominant specie that is in there. I always add right after feeding and if I question that there will be some aggression, I will turn out the lights a few minutes before I release the fish. Sometimes pulling the dominant fish for a few minutes to let the newb get acclimated, works well also.


New Member
madness said:
The larger Argentea was more of a threat to the JD. You will find that you could of added a 4" Dovii and the JD would have done the same thing. Regardless of the temperament of the fish you add, they will always be stressed out and bow down to the dominant specie that is in there. I always add right after feeding and if I question that there will be some aggression, I will turn out the lights a few minutes before I release the fish. Sometimes pulling the dominant fish for a few minutes to let the newb get acclimated, works well also.
Thanks madness I will keep that in mind for the next time I get new fishes