This is what has kept me going!


New Member
DMD123 said:
I have watched big jags at some of the stores and found them to just stare you down. Its like they have no fear... I remember reading a story of AquaMojo saying the most aggressive he ever owned was his jag.
There's a video or two on youtube of a guy who opens his tank lids, and his jag jumps out to get him.

Also, what happened to your 210g to cause all the deaths?
Sorry I'm a new member...


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chriswf said:
Also, what happened to your 210g to cause all the deaths?
Sorry I'm a new member...

I have had an issue most likely stemming form adding wild caught fish with established fish without first doing a quarantine. So I lost almost all my fish except 3 red hooks. I then thought everything was all over and tried to introduce another batch of fish and have lost those. I am in the process of tearing the 210 apart and disinfecting everything. I believe the remaining fish are healthy but am going to medicate with parasite meds (again) in a 20L just to make sure.


New Member
Im going to say it cuz not many have NICE CON!!!!!

I really mean it..i have a soft spot for cons..I have a lovely male and a female missing her tail...they really are underrepresented amazing little fish!

Its sad how few mature male cons you see around...mine is working on his adult fins as well..hes alittle further along than yours but not by much!

lovely fish..and a good reason to keep going.


And if you are looking for a good looking female..i can grow some out from my current batch and toss you female is stunning!! with long pointy fins amazing blue and purple fins!..
My male is a jerk...and always pails out for the camera but he bars up amazingly




New Member
Your tailess con has some gorgeous colors on her.... I loved my cons, they are so much fun... breeding, raising, and great for lil' feeders for my africans. :)


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Does the tail-less gene pass? With all the different short body an parrot fishes out there, it seems that your con could be in high demand.... :scratch:


New Member
DMD123 said:
Does the tail-less gene pass? With all the different short body an parrot fishes out there, it seems that your con could be in high demand.... :scratch:
I dont think so..i have yet to see any fry out of the..ohh 8 batches at about 100-200 fry each i have spawned have no tails..than again all have gone as feeders pretty small

she was a rescue..I think her tail was lost at a very young age...despite that she is feisty as ever and beats up her male ..keeps him in the corner of there 29 allot..and she has long trailers on her fins ^_^...would love to see a few of there fry grown out..i might set up a tank out side this summer and try growing out a few my self..they throw 50/50 pink and black fry.

If your interested in a female from these two i could toss you one for free next time i am down south.


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I dont know what I am going to do with my boy. Do I stud him out or let him grow old and happy in the 210g? :scratch:


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The con did remind me to have fun with the hobby. I probably will not breed the little guy to keep his fins intact.


New Member
aquaman95 said:
Everyone needs a kick to remind them of why they really started .nixe male dont breed his fins will be destroyed
that is not true my cons are breeding and the trailers keep growing! ^_^


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I think I will rehome/retire my con into the 210g when the Oscars get big enough to handle him. Right now they are smaller than him so I know he would beat them up. I would love to breed him but the fry are not worth much and I dont want to raise them just to be feeders. I will let him grow old as a bachelor in the 210g.


New Member
DMD123 said:
I have watched big jags at some of the stores and found them to just stare you down. Its like they have no fear... I remember reading a story of AquaMojo saying the most aggressive he ever owned was his jag.
And IMO the Honduran Jags are more aggressive then their counterparts from Mexico.