
Well-Known Member
Like the title said! The Dimidiochromis Compressiceps A.K.A Eye Bitter has caught my eyes and wouldn't let my eyes go until I take him home! I wasn't planning to make any purchase today when I walked in the store. Just wanted to get some Prime for the tank. I just wanted to share with you guys on my new members of the tank! Enjoy

I will update you guys on more pictures once he settle in and color up some more! He's still showing outstanding color even though he's stressed out and had to wait in the car for a couple hours before heading back home!
Dimidiochromis Compressiceps

Same goes with this little guy! Showing outstanding colors and red even though he's stressed out
Fire Red Empress



New Member
Nice looking eye biters! very nice color! Be careful what you keep those with, they do get pretty big (up to a foot) and will need a LONG tank eventually, from reading your other posts I know that you keep a lot haps and peacocks, be careful mixing with those specific fish because eye biters target those fish as their main prey in the wild.


Well-Known Member
Thanks frontosa. Yeah I've been keeping my eyes on him but yeah just as long as they are all bigger than his mouth and plenty of places to run and hide. I'm quite surprise that he is very peaceful and calm. No chasing or anything just chilling by himself. I though that the eye biter and the red fin was going to go at it but I was wrong and happy haha :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aw, he's nice, makes me miss mine. My plan for a bigger tank never happened, so I gave him to another member of WFB who had room for him.

Mine was pretty peaceful most of the time, but I did have to extract three different fish that were too big for him to swallow and got stuck. One was a red empress over 3 inches long and another was a pleco that was really hooked in there. I had to use forceps and scissors to get that one out! You'd be surprised how big of a fish will fit in there. So yes, do watch him. That mouth is bigger than you might realize, but not as big as he would like! :shock:




I really liked that fish though. He would greet me at the top of the tank (like that first pic) and take food from my fingers. Enjoy yours.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Mine was around 6 - 8 inches maybe... I had him in a 75 gallon. He needed more than 4 feet of tank!


Active Member
I ended up with Betty's eye biter, He lived in a 6 footer for several months until he became too aggressive (or hungry) for me.


Well-Known Member
I hope mine doesn't get super aggressive and hungry haha he is literly the calmest one in the tank! I can't wait until he really show his color!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I sort of trained mine to come to the top to eat. That's not a normal behavior for them. He spent a lot of time angled head down, looking for fry or small fish. The other fish were aggressive eaters that would jump and splash around at the surface when I had the nls container in my hand, gobbling up the food quickly and that didn't leave much for the comp, so I started feeding the tank on one side and would lure him to the other side and made sure he was getting his fair share. It didn't take long for him to start coming to the surface when I fed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I been doing that and today! I have succeed! He finally came up to eat but he's eating more than his share should be haha but I gues I'm happy now :)