Testing the waters


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For a couple years now I have been searching for Red Devils that either 1)arent your typical orange color 2) or org/wht color 3) or is an unknown cross with a Midas.  A few years ago I found a red barred RD female and have been trying to spawn her with my big lipped WC male, and I also found barred blue female RD, but for some reason my male would not spawn with them.

So a few months ago, I came across a vendor that had imported a handful of some big lipped WC RD, so I purchased 4.  I ordered a bright org/red male, bright org/red female, an orange female and a barred blue/red male. (this barred blue/red male turned out to be a female)

My goal is to get back into the hobby true Red Devils but of various coloring.  Finally it is happening.

About 6 weeks ago my 2 new red/org pair spawned, my large male finally spawned with my barred red female, and today I have wigglers from my new blue/red barred female and my large male.  3 very different color pairings.  Below are some pics of the pairs, let me know if you are interested in getting some of these off spring.  The new RD's are around 7", the barred red female about 10" and my big male is close to 13".

10" barred red female
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13" male
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barred blue/red female
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bright red/org pair
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Fry will be available soon.:cheers: 


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Contributing Member Level III
I want the red for sure. I love the chance at having fry with that deep red. It reminds me of that older red one you had in the lower tank about 6months ago


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Ya, i hear you there Lloyd, but I cant wait to see what the blue ones look like. Ideally, Id love for the blue female to spawn with the red male.
Well done sir! Sign me up for some of those blues! I have been waiting on those since you first told me about what you were trying to do way back!


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Contributing Member Level III
man, that barred red female sure does look like my red isletas!  

their color is currently  washed out with just a shop light on over head(turned on just before the picture) ..... no lights during this heat wave

but i'd take a white one too, hes cool(though it took a while to grow on me)


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With all the different color combos, its hard to say what the fry will look like. The barring even comes into play.


Honestly think there's a higher likelihood of all 3 batches of fry to look very similar to all the other captive bred devil strains vs getting the mix of colors your looking for. I think more with labiatus colors are more adapted to in WC fish than genetically passed on. Cant recall seeing too many F1 labiatus (if any) that keep bars passed on from F0 parents.


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fishman09 said:
Honestly think there's a higher likelihood of all 3 batches of fry to look very similar to all the other captive bred devil strains vs getting the mix of colors your looking for. I think more with labiatus colors are more adapted to in WC fish than genetically passed on. Cant recall seeing too many F1 labiatus (if any) that keep bars passed on from F0 parents.
I have 7 barred F1's right now, from 1 barred parent and 1 org parent. The largest barred F1 is 7". :)


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Contributing Member Level III
pics or it didn't happen ...... ;-) couldn't resist, sorry!

just a thought, but could you only use large rocks with hiding crevices for the substrate and also only feed these new fry live crayfish (or whatever is legal in Washington)? that way the babies I buy from you in the near future will also have large lips? Because in all seriousness, I would love, love, love to own a perfect replica of the red big lips red devil you have


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lloyd378 said:
pics or it didn't happen ...... ;-)   couldn't resist, sorry!  

just a thought, but could you only use large rocks with hiding crevices for the substrate and also only feed these new fry  live crayfish (or whatever is legal in Washington)?  that way the babies I buy from you in the near future will also have large lips?  Because in all seriousness, I would love, love, love to own a perfect replica of the red big lips red devil you have
MFK???? :D

I have heard of individuals attempting this, but have not heard of any success stories. It would be nice to know of a success story and how it was done.


New Member
im sure with a shellfishing license you could go out and catch your own crayfish.. idk the legality but it should be covered. i know ive used them for bait plenty of times.


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From what I was told and have read, the removal of crayfish is illegal, owning of crayfish is illegal, and obviously selling of crayfish is illegal. :cry: 


New Member
thats so lame.. they will let you use WD-40 as a bait for fishing.. but u cant capture little critters that are already everywhere on the peninsula..


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A couple more pics of the newest mother


And the male


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Contributing Member Level III
That female is crazy. Before your first post on this female, I never knew that Red Devils could be so drastically different from each other. It like it should have its very own amph category.....or at least a cool common name. I'm thinking maybe "barber shop pole " red devil or american flag red devil. For It has the reds, blues, whites, and also the stripes of the objects ... Either way, that's a one of a kind type fish in my opinion ! Keep on spawning those lovelies