Tank Bedroom


New Member

So, as none of you know, I have been in process of switching rooms with my youngest daughter. She's of an age where she needs more privacy... Doesn't matter, because she had a larger room than I did. Not any longer.

Now, I'm working on putting a 100 gallon tank on top of the dresser in there. Then I'm going to move the feeder farm (convict cichlids) in there, against the far wall. I already have 2 baby bichirs in a 20 gallon tank in the room, right next to my bed. (They need to grow out some before I move them to the other tank with my other bichirs.) On top of the feeder farm and bichir tanks, I'll also have two 55 gallon tanks to fill up.

I can't wait for it all to fall into place! It is starting to take shape. I am so excited about my tank-bedroom project!!


New Member
Sounds great! I recently moved a small tank into our bedroom. It's nice....until I did a water change last night and one of the connections to my filler hose that hooks up to my faucet failed and I had water all over my bedroom....that was not so nice! LOL!


what is your dresser made of? 100 gallon tank would crush a standard 5' dresser. Or at least make it hard to open the drawers


New Member
So, I have the 100 gallon tank on top of my dressed now. It has 100 pounds of beautiful sand an 50 pounds of round, contrasting gravel in it. I filled the tank with water yesterday and put in my new titanium heater. Also set up the new canister filter. Now I'm going to wait a week (Ugh! It's only been a day, and I have to wait a whole week?!?) before I transfer my babies to their new home.

Now, I just have to figure out what else I'm going to get. I was originally thinking about an Arowana, but I'm not really sure that they're the right fit for me.

Oh, and the dresser is solid wood. Not that particle crap. Every drawer opens just fine, with no problems.


New Member
Old shot of a few of my bedroom tanks.


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New Member
The big tank is up to temp, and has a few feeders in it. Water is clearing up... Won't be long before Katie can move the monsters in...

Right now, she's working on the grow out tank with the two small Bichirs in it. Soon the farm tanks will go in there too....


New Member
So now I have my 100 gallon tank fully set up. I'm just waiting on the PH to finish stabilizing.

The 20 gallon tank beside my bed is my 1st stage grow-out tank. My 3 baby bichirs are doing fabulously in there. They're growing and getting stronger. I feel like such a proud mommy when I look at them! I also put a baby albino pleco in there yesterday. It's also doing great.

I have 2 more 20 gallon tanks in my fish/room... And a 55 gallon tank as well. These 3 tanks have feeders in them, just waiting to be dinner! And... Drumroll please!! Thanks to a wonderfully nice woman (who I can unfortunately not recall her name) at the "fish meet" yesterday, I came home with a gallon-size ziplock of baby plecos!!

I am in 7th Heaven right now with my fish/room. I'm just awaiting (painfully, I assure you!) bringing the rest of my brood into their new home. Then I can be in 7th Heaven, diing of wonderously, fabulous bliss the likes of which no one has ever seen.

I know... I'm a bit melodramatic! But can you honestly blame me??