

New Member

Came out this morning and they have picked their favorite pot apparently. Her tube is down but no eggs as of yet. So exciting! :D


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Nick_87 said:
Put me down for 10! I want some of your fry! Gl
It may be awhile. I have fry that were born in April, and they are still only 1"-1.5".


New Member
If it all works out are you going to try and keep the fry with the parents or remove them once they are free swimmers?


New Member
As this is their first spawn, I doubt the fry will survive. I haven't really got a set up for the babies to go to if they do survive so they will be staying with mom and dad. We shall see.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Congrats. You can definitely tell that she is new at it, her eggs are all over the place. LOL

Love the look on both of them, very impressive. :D


New Member
Madness said:
Congrats. You can definitely tell that she is new at it, her eggs are all over the place. LOL  

Love the look on both of them, very impressive. :D
Thanks! Haha I was thinking the same thing about the sporadic eggs, but she's trying! Haha she has been fanning them ever since and he's on patrol still colored up. Still can't believe they hooked up so easily/quickly.