So long and thanks for all the fish!


New Member
Like sandnuka, I am leaving Washington. I got a great offer in Kentucky and I am leaving Feb 15th. I have family there and got a place lined up already. it's going to be a nice change of scenery. Louisville is a pretty cool place. I had just decided to stay in Washington when this opportunity came up, but I would be stupid not to take this offer.

So, I bid you all adieu, be well, take care of yourselves.

I'll stop by the forum and say hello every now and then. I'm going to have to post pictures of my Kentucky set


Active Member
What... but Washington is such a nice place. Was good to meet you a few times & thanks for the fish. The Saulosi just spawned, but only one little survivor as I did not catch her in time before release.


New Member
Not another one.. :(
Sorry i never got to meet you.. You'll love Louisville, I have family there and almost moved there during the summer. Still might some day.. :) Have a safe trip/move..


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Best of luck to you, Spyral. I know you haven't been very active lately, but I'm really going to miss your posts. :(


New Member
Whoa another one. Peace man, didn't really know you
but have a safe journey. Yo, I think Kentucky allows fully automatic weapons. Feel like shipping lol!!


New Member
Oh man not you too!!!
good luck over in Kentucky man, as soon as you get there star setting up your SA Cichlid tank
and post some Pics

Oh and don't forget to pack Princess pia's rock
she would probably go crazy with out it lol

It was great meeting you dude


New Member
You will be missed. I hope once the move is over you'll find yourself active on the forum once again. We miss your sharp wit. :joker:


New Member
Hey Spyral. That sounds exciting. Kentucky is a nice area. Good luck on your new venture and definately post pics of the new area and I'm sure you will set up another aquarium in the future. Keep in touch.


New Member
Hey Spy, just a heads up, my mom lives about 45 minutes south of Louisville in Elizabethtown. When we visit we fly into Louisville. You haven't escaped us! LOL


Da Svidaniya.

Maa alsalama.

Auf wiedersehen.




Zai jian.

Al Vida.

