Send in Pics for JULY POTM


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Imagine your fish on the banner next month! I hope you can find some time to take a few photos and send one in. :D
I'll take submissions until the end of the 17th.

Send your submissions to
Subject: POTM JULY

In the email, please include:
1. Your username
2. The species in the photo

The picture must not be smaller than 600x600.

The full rules are here...POTM **IMPORTANT** PLEASE READ. These are the main points, but please check the link for more details and send your pics to me at the address above.

• The picture must have been taken by you.

• The picture must be of your own fish/aquatic creature. (One fish/creature as the focal point. No tank shots or multiple fish shots.)

• You may only enter one photo per month.

• Your picture will be judged by the forum members using any criteria they wish.

• Voting and photo submission are confidential.
  (Do not submit a photo that has already been posted on the forum or used as your avatar.)

• There will be no soliciting other sites to promote your picture and to increase your votes.

• The winner will not be able to participate in the following POTM contest.

Looking forward to lots of entries. :woot:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I haven't gotten many entries yet... :sleep:

There's still plenty of time, but don't forget!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Anyone else?

Bassetman is the only member who can't participate. :p

I'll tank entries until the end of the 17th.