Salt use in Quarantine.


Staff member
Just thought I'd share I use 3lbs of salt per 100 gallons. It's a general cure all works well vs fungus and some parasites. Can knock out some things not seen by the nakid eye. This dosage is even used by stingray enthusiests. Some use 1lb per 100 gallons all the time. SO far I only use it during quarantine.

Anyone else use salt?


Well-Known Member
Hi Cory,

Congrats; I noticed the new name!

Until I got into planted tanks I used to use 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons with no ill effects on any species I am aware of.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
I use it for quarantine, illness or when there's been some aggression resulting in torn or ragged looking fins.

I use sea salt.


New Member
I only use it for Ick.. tattered fins and a little beat up scales heal with clean water. just as fast if i added salt or not so i dont see the point.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yeah, clean water is best, but it's just something I started doing several years ago when I was new to keeping mbuna and had to treat some serious injuries from fighting. (Clean water, a dash of salt and a splash of Melafix).