red/pink glowlight having problems



Our pink glowlight has suddenly gotten really skinny and looks like he is bent to curve the opposite of how he is supposed to. He is still swimming and looks fine other wise. We put him in the lil breeder net to keep him safe until we see him improve. Any ideas? Anything I should be treating for?


New Member
I've had smaller fish that get like that after I've had them for a long time so I've always attributed it to old age. This question has been asked a lot on a lot of forums and I've never seen any reply from someone who knows for sure. Is it possible the fish is being out competed for food and is under weight? Being under weight will give a fish a deformed look.


New Member
@Ratlova: you know I just encountered this very same out competing issue with my daughters Gold fish and we had to remove him from the tank and he is thriving now with feeding 4x a day and we also treated with melafix. Malnutrition causes there spine to look bent and also they have a hollow bellied look.

@megpie021: Good Luck with your fish. I know how much it sucks to have sick fish.


New Member
if its the actual glofish then your pretty much boned.. dont mean to be a jerk but they are a scientifically engineered fish.. one of the only fish out there with a copyright... i personally would suggest sticking to naturally occuring species to avoid getting any possible diseases and deformities.. GL to ya