Rating fish stores


New Member
So ive been thinking that there should be a poll for the overal rating or stars we give a store..
Still doing the whole break down on the rating but than also have a poll so someone can see the overall review of a store by viewing the vote results.


New Member
Yes you can currently rate fish stores but none of them are set up with polls to vote on overal rating..

Having a poll like that for each store would give a quick general rating on the quality of the store which you could see right away without looking threw every persons post.


Active Member
I don't think you should have a poll # shown without our current rating system next to it as it would be to easy to tamper the results. Good to see every individuals experience spelled out as everyone has a different personality about a store. Example.. Liams in Seattle.. if I only saw a number total ( I assume it would hit in the middle somewhere) then I might not have bothered to see this place as most either love it or hate it, but what people describe helps an individual decide from the details.


New Member
the details would still be there and experiences could still be written down for review if anyone so desires.. It would only make viewing overal ratings quicker by seeing what everyone rated them overal all at once being that you can see how many people voted it a 5 4 3 2 and 1..

Just a idea.


New Member
I rather read the reviews instead of looking at the number polls
I think we have a pretty good rating system....if is not broken why fix it :?:


New Member
I believe this was a topic of discussion a while back and Mikey indicated that we would not be doing this, but I could be wrong.


New Member
You can't see a poll's results without voting...so if a person has never been to that fish store and they rate it, the results are very inaccurate. We won't be doing this