Rare catfish that I saw today for $1,000.00 (PICS)


New Member
Of course the price is a bit off (they wanted $100.00 for a beat up Clown Loach) and you could do a lot more with $1,000.00, but he was really cool to watch for a bit!




New Member
Jacko said:
That the one at QT?
I think it's a tigrinus, they're stunning fish if you've got the space :p
It was a Tigrinus. Amazing fish! The place was in Seattle's International district. They had fish with tattoos (very disgusting if you ask me).


New Member
The tattoo fish were ballon molleys right? bobby from bobbys world had a bunch for sale about 2 months ago. Boy did he get alot of hate phone calls for selling them.


New Member
Addictedtofish said:
The tattoo fish were ballon molleys right? bobby from bobbys world had a bunch for sale about 2 months ago. Boy did he get alot of hate phone calls for selling them.
I believe they were actually a type od Cichlid... Didn't wanna look at them too long because it made me mad.

lars on

New Member
They were actually parrot fish. ): Seen em a couple times when Ive gone over the past 4 months, they havent sold like ANY of them.

That catfish is beautiful though, no idea it was 1,000$!! It has the long trailors on the ends of its tail right?


New Member
Hmm...I saw this guy in china town for $400 at kind discus. And QT right down the road has one a bit bigger for $600.


New Member
from my understanding that one is garbage even though its gorgeous you want one with perfectly vertical lines otherwise its worth half or a little more than half of a nicely striped one. but QT is a bit steep on there price for some of there fish


New Member
tattooed fish.... Well, if you gonna do it... might as well be on a crazy looking hybrid! lol.... Some people idea of the hobby just is mind boggling.... Saw a flowerhorn in china town with a bottom lip than hung down past its chin... it could hardly eat.... the owner would not sell if for any price, called it a rare "Elephant Trunk" .... when really I just saw a mutated fish that shouldve been culled..



New Member
crashsmAshley, tattooed fish.... not much different than the glofish you used to own for a short while..... well once upon a time anyway... now there just born with that tattooed gene.


New Member
The catfish that is posted??? or the tattooed fish i posted?? i think the cat fish is wicked looking.... would never own anything like that though..... Those tattooed fish are hydious before the tattoo.... but the tattoo didnt help either. lol I think blood parrots are hidious. i would never own any.


New Member
The glofish was tattooed a NEON GENE when it was still a egg.... therefore it made the gene a part of the fish and it could be passed to generations below it.... These tattooed parrot fish were most likely tattooed as juvies, so the gene would not be able to be passed to next generation for them. lol

lars on

New Member
oh oh oh okkay. Knew about the glofish radiation gene thingy. Hate it when people buy the tattoed fish. One lady in the silverdale store was professing her love for the tattoed heart mollies, took all I could not to yell at her. :/

this censor thing has me double checking my posts D;


New Member
sandnuka said:
crashsmAshley, tattooed fish.... not much different than the glofish you used to own for a short while..... well once upon a time anyway... now there just born with that tattooed gene.
Ehhh... tattooed fish like the parrots there are done on a full grown fish (somtimes juvies too) using dyes and paints... sometimes it's tattooing with a needle like those, or in the case of "jellybean parrots" it's generally dye dips.
They don't last long, usually over 50% of a batch of tattooed fish die before they make it to the stores and any that do survive have a shortened life span... the color also fades given time. The color doesn't breed true.

Glofish on the other hand are genetically modified zebra danios, the original generation or two had their genes spliced with a flourescent protein gene (derived most likely from corals or jellyfish)... their color is permanent and it breeds true, though if you do breed them you can't call them Glofish, unfortunately they're trademarked :p
and so far as I've seen it hasn't caused any detrimental side effects to the original species, there are fakes on the market that are dyed zebra danios but those are generally sold under GlowFish or some other name to avoid copyright infringement lawsuits

sorry for the length lol