Rack Em Up! Garage tank rack project


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Here is the cabinet by the sink. I need to cut counter to length and put on end caps. I have some 'soap stone' looking formica I will adhere to the wall to act as a back splash.
The hazy band on the wall is where I did the sheetrock seem. Need to sand, prime and paint it


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Here was one of my challenges that really should have been up there with the old adage to "Measure twice, cut once". My original power strip went along the length of the wall it looked good in theory...
plug in 4.jpg

Problem was the tank with the Aquaclear 110 had other thoughts. There would have been no way to pull out the filter to do maintenance the power strip was in the way! I ended up pulling it and doing a multi plug instead where it turns the two into six. Still needed power in another area so I ended up moving a strip to the right of the rack on the inside.
plug in 1.jpg

Ended up doing this
plug in 2.jpg Not what I planned but not too obnoxious looking.
plug in 3.jpg

Lesson was that if I had gave more clearance behind the tanks I could have made the long power strip on the back wall work but I didnt want it sticking out that far so I had to change things. On the other side of the widow where the other tank rack will go has pretty much the same outlet configuration so now Im ready to tackle that one.... the right way, lol.

Purchased bag number 2 of the Pisces 22 lb Midnight Pearl, will need 1 more if I decide to use it on the upcoming 75 but still debating to just switch out subsrtrate and give the puffer the new Pisces stuff and use the old stuff in the 75.

The stuff Im currently using is Estes Spectrastone Deep River, a very dark brown gravel.
Thats all the garage updates for today.


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I did a little more than I thought I would today...

Cabinet work, had to add a little strip to the top to make the countertop at the level I wanted and to be able to screw down the counter from underneath.

Got the top trimmed to size and wood edge added in prep of doing the iron on edges
Still need to do the edge
I cut my leftover Formica from our kitchen excess that I had been saving. Backsplash will look something like this. Need to figure out how I will adhere it and more importantly how I will trim it out. I have done the old school retro aluminum trim before but its almost impossible to find it anymore unless you go to a specialty shop. I might just do some aluminum strip like they use for carpet.


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Edge ironed on, router flat then filed to take sharp edge off. Then bolted the top to the cabinet. I also had extra knobs laying around so I relaced the worn wood ones with metal ones. Need to screw cabinet to wall after backsplash is up.

Update pics
6F668442-39BE-42AB-8332-1CC785E4192C.jpeg 096A7855-40FF-4A44-972B-9FF7043C8100.jpeg


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No pics, just a small update sanded my drywall joint and primed it. Needs to get a coat or two of the semigloss paint next


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Did some garage cleaning and organizing. Went to Olympia Petco and picked up the 2nd 75 gallon for my garage project. Need to order the glass top for this one and figure out if I want to use the existing background I have or do something different.


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Just ordered the glass top.
Already have an Aquaclear 110, Beamswork led + timer, along with an Eheim heater. I have the gravel for it too, but really think it needs something different for the background than the roll I got. Might need to look at the other side of the roll and see what it is. Or maybe paint it black.


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Pulled out background roll and other side is this:
IMG_20200120_060626704 (2).jpg
Not sure if I can cut out all the white gravel in the picture, but I think the puffer's 65B gravel with the brown tones would look the best with it, the Estes Deep River

Then the puffer would get changed over to the Pisces Midnight Pearl
s-l200.jpg PC03016-2.jpg
I think this would go better with the riverbed look I was going for in the 65B.

Not 100% positive about the background/gravel choices yet. I like each tank to have its own look or personality so it will be different somehow.


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Over the weekend went to IKEA and Lowe’s to pick up supplies to finish garage. Went with the Rubbermaid Fast Track system. Wall above washer, dryer and utility sink painted with a nice semi-gloss. Mounted Shelving and now able to organize and get things up off floor.


Ended up buying a bunch of the Rubbermaid stuff. Plan on organizing right and get brooms up, extension cords and all kinds of junk where I can get to it easily.


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Got the handles mounted to the glass tops for the 75 and background attached. Decided to not use what I had and got one from Petsmart.

I used this:
After trimming some off the top and bottom to get the most of the good parts, I think it will look pretty good.

Been a bit burnt out from all the other stuff related to this project so I worked on a tank to remind me why I was doing this project. This fired me up to want to work on it again. Done for tonight but have lots of of ideas for tomorrow.


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Weekend of working on stuff related to garage but nothing really noticeable. The worst kind of stuff when you are doing a project like this. I added an electrical outlet to the edge of the garage by the door to be able to plug in the air compressor and vacuum. This way it was on a separate circuit from the tanks. This line also fed power out to the shed which I got going. So the accomplishment was small but power to the shed and a separate power outlet makes a difference in the long run.


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Made progress, got the floor space back where tank rack #2 is to go
Need to finish the area with a bit more mud work, caulk, paint.

Should be able to get my project back on track.


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Finished the mud work, sanded drywall and put one coat of paint. Likely need to put a second coat of paint before other rack goes in place.


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The wall looked pretty good so no second coat of paint. In itching to finish this thing!

Decided to open up the other Dewalt rack... was upset to find bent pieces and broken parts. I should have opened it up sooner to look but the outside box was intact so I let it slide. Will contact Dewalt tomorrow to get parts I need.

In the meantime it sits, taunting me. The only thing Im not liking is that it didn’t center to the window but overall it is as imagined. This pack used wood shelves vs the wire rack. I might just use the wood as ends on the racks to block light from the side so as not to disturb the puffers as much.

Here we are:


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I want to change out the 20L for something else.... maybe a 40B or a 38 gallon tank?
Not really wanting a wide 18” tank there but something on the shallow and narrow side. I see that they make a 30 that has a 36 x 12 footprint... probably cost more than a 40B. Oh well, will think about it and come up with something (36 gallon bowfront? lol)


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I have to give a huge acknowledgement to Dewalt customer service. Last night their email contact was not working so I called and got an automated 'leave a message' and we will get back to you... well I did and first thing this morning I see an email from them. Hopefully they are just as quick to get my parts out! But I do have to say very impressed with them so far.
These were the broken items in question:
Not 100% required but with all the time and money into this project, I want it to look good too!


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So I am waiting on parts to come in to finish so no beam on the back left yet. Just took my photo to paint and added the things left so I can visualize it better.

I was looking at the middle section and would like to keep it open for buckets and what not but thought it needed a beam in the back to help with support. Want to drop that center down a notch or two to accommodate another type of tank. A 40B would be the most practical but I want something that looks good so maybe if I can find a 38 gallon to go there... I love the thought of a 46g bowfront but hard to find at a reasonable price.

I already have everything ready to put the 75g on the top left rack and the 65B on the bottom left. A bit frustrated since I cant put the weight on the racks until I get my parts.

My wife jokingly has reminded me I have 6 tanks now... I tell her it doesn't count cause they are not set up yet, lol.

So close to finishing this project. Hopefully Dewalt can get those parts to me soon.


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Dewalt got me my replacement parts! Started getting to work getting it all put together now for real.

Edit: I went to Midway today and got a replacement for the 20L. I got a 30 gallon. It is 36” long, 12” wide and 16” high. I was tempted to get the taller 38 gallon but think this is a better look and fit. This size can handle one of my puffers. Im thinking of moving one out of the 65 and into a 30 instead.
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The 30 gallon to replace the 20L

A challenge I hadnt thought of was the slope in the floor. I will have to shim the rack to sit level. You can see by the paint stir stick I need an 1/8" piece of metal or something solid like that to help level it all out.


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As this project comes very close to being done Im at a point of wondering what Im going to do with all these tanks.... The one 75 was to serve as a growout but now I have an extra 75 and a 30g. If I do move the Arrowhead into the 30 then I will have a 75g and 65B available. When the growouts finally go into the 300 and I rehome the others then realistically there are two empty 75's... plus either a 30g or 65B.

Ive come to realize I HATE growing out fish! I like to keep a fish for life and not constantly grow out babies. So this is making me consider getting something for these tanks as future inhabitants. On my list is the smallest wolf fish variety, or a gulper catfish. I am also considering a small solo cichlid like a Cuban. Pretty much solo tank inhabitants to have a 75, 65B to themselves.

Im hoping to get the stand leveled off today and have the other 75g going soon. I have everything equipment wise just need to get it set up. The not so fun move will be for the hairy puffer. I might just set up the 20L as a temporary place to hold her as I move the tank over. I have everything needed for that tank. Not sure on the 30g as to what Im doing. I have an Aquaclear 50 on the 20g that I could move over or sell it with the 20 and get an Aquaclear 70 for the 30. Tere is also the matter of a heater and other variables like lighting, etc.