Power Outage--What to do ?


New Member
My power has been out since 8pm last night! I've got 19 tanks and only 2 battery powered airstone/pumps that I'm rotating around the 19 tanks. I've dosed some extra Prime in each tank and I've wrapped a couple of the big tanks in blankets. Anything else I can do??


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Save the warm water in you hot water tank and cycle the water. Remove a bucket of water, and replace it. If I hadn't found a gen, that's what I was going to do. Good luck.


Active Member
I thought about putting a little candle 2-3 feet under my tank to give it a little heat. You can also get a power inverter and use a car battery for temporary power.


Well-Known Member
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I tried the inverter idea last night. Unless you have a huge ass inverter and a lot of gas in your vehicle, the majority of them wont even run 1 heater. Mine sure didn't. It did however run a couple pumps w/air stones this morning until I was able to find a generator.


New Member
my 400w 800peak ran a heater in the past just fine but the larger the better... heaters are very hard on the inverters.......but you can always heat up water if you have a gas stove and float it to get it up to temp

and some people have just bought a second battery and switched them out for the one in the car so i could charge on the way to work while the others was being used


New Member
If you have a fire place, lite it up!

I'm testing my fireplace to see how much it would help heat up the tanks.


New Member
Just a thought, if you know anyone who owns a motorhome or trailer with a generator, or you own one, yourself, most have a pretty good sized generator on them. Up tp 50 amps. of service. Crankit up, plug in a power cord, run it into your tanks and plug then in. 50 amps will run 2 freezers and a refrigerator. It should run a few tanks. I know it works, cause we did it one year when we were without power for a couple days. JUST A THOUGHT!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Fire place idea, does & doesn't work, depends on where your tanks are located. I had my house up to 75 last night, but can't keep fire going all night. Even w/house at 75 tanks were still dropping to just below, then once fire goes out, down they go. But lighting another one first thing in the a.m. would at least keep them around 68 -70. Unfortunately for me, I have 4 tanks inside and 8 in the garage. I think I need to install a wood stove out there.

As for the trailer idea, good call. My trailer does not have one, but I bet some people don't think about that. And 50 amps could actually run the whole house. Minus the stove, dryer, DW. As for lights and power, 50 amps is plenty. Good call..


New Member
madness said:
Fire place idea, does & doesn't work, depends on where your tanks are located. I had my house up to 75 last night, but can't keep fire going all night. Even w/house at 75 tanks were still dropping to just below, then once fire goes out, down they go. But lighting another one first thing in the a.m. would at least keep them around 68 -70. Unfortunately for me, I have 4 tanks inside and 8 in the garage. I think I need to install a wood stove out there.

As for the trailer idea, good call. My trailer does not have one, but I bet some people don't think about that. And 50 amps could actually run the whole house. Minus the stove, dryer, DW. As for lights and power, 50 amps is plenty. Good call..
very true.
as for me, the fireplace is in the middle location of all my tanks.


New Member
Also, don't add any more prime. It strips the oxygen from the water.

For heat, the easiest thing to do it put a blanket, sheet, towel, etc over each tank to help trap in the heat.


New Member
invest in more of the battery operated air pumps and a small kerosene heater to heat the location of the tanks. 70-75 is ok for most cichlids for up to 12 hrs, you will just need to watch for an ich out break.

DO NOT put a candle under the tanks you will crack the glass.


New Member
It took me awhile to buy these but i run them on all my tank.. When the power shuts off they turn to battery mode automatically.. 10 hours on high or 20 hours on medium.. The may the medium works is they are on for one minute then off for one minute.. A little spendy with as many tanks as you have but well worth it in my opinion.. They saved my butt a couple times.


Sorry they won't save you right now though.. :(


New Member
Thanks everyone for all the suggestions!

GOOD NEWS---I got power back and it looks like everyone has survived! I haven't counted every little fry but it appears that everyone has made it. I'm gonna start water changes this morning and hope that I don't have a bunch on mini cycles.

A NICE SURPRISE- My oldest son who is not a fishy person had been trying to help me with my tanks (complaining the whole time that I had too many tanks) went out and bought me a generator. My early xmas present! He never realized what was all involved with the tanks til he came over to help yesterday and said it was just ridiculas for me to not have one. Anyway he got the last Yamaha 6800w/8500peak generator off the floor at Home Depot and some wire harness/transfer box....wired it all up and it ran practically the whole house including the furnace. The main thing was it ran every tank with every heater and the furnace......I AM SOOOO TICKLED!

The power came back on right after he got it all up and running but I'm now set and good to go for the next outage. :punk:


New Member
That is just great. I'm considering one myself. I didn't have a power outage. But the last time we did, it was out for several days. That would be bad. I can only imagine what you guys went thru. I so glad things worked out for you. :cheers:


Active Member
That is a mammoth size generator. Hope it is easy on the gas mileage.

My idea about a candle was the small votive style at the bottom of your fish stand. I doubt it would be able to create the intense heat to crack the glass that far away, but I do agree one close would. Of course I only have 2 of my tanks that do not have a solid wood top on the stand.


New Member
Probably not the greatest gas mileage. I know it holds 8 gals and he said he read that its suppose to last 13hours. Of course we didn't get to test a full tank of gas. He wired 6 breakers and I was running about 4000 watts and that included everything except the electric hot water tank, dishwasher, dryer and stove. I think he said dryer/stove were 240 but that he could probably come back and wire the hotwater tank (hot water would be nice). My power does go out alot because of all the trees around here. Matter of fact its already blinked on and off a couple of times this morning. Usually its not out more than 2-3 hours though and every few years it seems to be out for much longer. At least now a power outage will only be a minor inconvenience and all my family members without power can gather here to stay warm and toasty ! :D