Poll: which new fish for my nano tank?

SHRIMP ALL THE WAY!!! :D There's just something about nano tanks and shrimp. I'm actually coming up with a line of super nano tanks, that will only contain shrimp, granted, I'm only testing them right now with Cherry Shrimp, I seem to be having some pretty good luck with them at the moment. :D

I will upgrade to other shrimp if I know that the shrimp are thriving (making babies)... so far, so good. :D

Having a shrimp tank is possibly the most maintenance free tank you will have (unless you're taking care of other shrimp like crystals, or something like that. Hehe)

I think I'm going to limit these super nano tanks with 5-10 shrimp. Or maybe max them out at 5 shrimp per container, as these containers are skiiiiiiiinny. Like, 2"inches in depth. They'd make awesome shelve centerpieces though. :)
[flash=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/v/S2rKzhfJ5tY[/flash] [flash=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/v/UPM171xvgbQ" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]
I found a berried female in one of the super nano tanks (I have about 5 super nano tanks at the moment, under close observation lol)


New Member
Ok, well I decided... I think it turned out well.

I actually moved everything out of the tank, and it has all new inhabitants! Fun times!

I got 5 Malawa shrimp, 1 trumpet snail, and 1 Sparkling Gourami. They seem to be doing well together so far, no sign that the gourami doesn't like shrimp or anything, and I think the load is more appropriate for the size of the tank and filtration. The shrimp seem happy with the higher PH I have been running (just crushed coral in the substrate, no additives), not sure about the Gourami but s/he is eating and everything, no signs of stress.

I'm very happy, thanks for the suggestions and for participating!


New Member
Yeah, and as soon as I moved the cories over to the 20 gal, they started swimming around and schooling much more actively than they were. I think they appreciate having some tankmates :)


New Member
Ok, here you go sir! These are not high quality, sorry about that:

Hello Shrimp!

Mr/Mrs Gourami is still shy

Tank looks the same, except a bit of val and some heather twigs

I might take some pictures with a better camera tomorrow

By the way, those nano tanks look pretty cool. Perfect for shrimp, since most won't mind the lack of swimming space. Is there any filtration on them?


New Member
Do these reproduce fairly quickly? I haven't paid attention to whether I have any males/females or whatever, but I heard they make babies like crazy.
Just make sure you give them adequate amounts of food, pbmax has had good luck with Malawa shrimp out competing his Chery shrimp for food.

I, on the other hand, have had opposite results, with the Cherries out competing THEM for food. LOL!


Active Member
In a tank that size I would argue the opposite - keep food minimal. The shrimp will have little to no competition for food in that tank, so they should be fine. Dwarf shrimp can survive just fine on bio film alone in many cases. You can always add dried leaves - like nettle leaves or something like that. These don't foul the water and the shrimp can munch on them for quite a while.

I need to go collect a bunch more nettle leaves before the nettles are all gone...
I've added catappa leaves in my tanks, and they go crazy over them once the leaves have developed a bio film. Once the catappa leaf has been eaten away, it leaves this really cool looking "framework" of the leaf, that I plan on using for crafts, some day :D


Active Member
Nettle leaves generally get consumed entirely, but maple and alder leaves leave behind nice skeletons. :)