Please share your Goodeids and all Livebearers


New Member
Hi Everyone,
Just thought it would be fun to have everyone share pictures/videos of their Goodeids and all livebearers. Keep us all updated on how things are going.

I currently have (All have collection information and a few have GPS coordinates):

Allotoca goslinei - Possibly extinct in the wild
Allotoca maculata - Critically threatened
Allodontichthys tamazulae - Vulnerable threatened status
Goodea gracilis - Endangered - I have 2 pairs for sale
Xennophorous captivus "Illescas" - Location extinct in the wild
Xenotoca melanosoma - Vulnerable threatened status (numbers are declining) -I have some for sale
Xiphophorus clemenciae
Xiphophorus malinche

I will be getting two new specie of Goodeid soon

Goodeids are hardy and for the most part easy to keep/breed. They are only rough if you keep them in small tanks. If you give them a little room, they aren't as bad. They are very active and full of personality. Every time I come up to the tank they greet me. Other fish swim away.

I was big into CA cichlids and didn't have much interest in livebearers (I thought they were boring, but I was wrong). Then I came across Ameca splendens in 2009 (Butterfly Goodeids). I found out they were threatened and wanted to give them a shot. I got them and found that I loved livebearers more then Cichlids. I am addicted to Goodeids and wild liveberarers.

If you want to keep something different that has a lot of personality,want to help preserve threatened fish, and make a difference, you should consider keeping Goodeids. They are very rare and not a lot of people are keeping them. It really makes you feel good when you keep, breed, and pass these fish around. If you are interested check out the American Livebearer Association ( - Website currently being worked on) and the Goodeid Working Group (

Xenotoca melanosoma colony: ... 812ff1.mp4

Allotoca maculata ... 35029d.mp4

Allotoca goslinei ... c8b4d3.mp4

Allodontichthys tamazulae ... afd152.mp4

Goodea gracilis and Xennophorous captivus ... d83e30.mp4

Xiphophorous clemenciae ... 26f32a.mp4 ... b6b522.mp4

Xiphophorous malinche ... phr3k0.mp4

I will have to make a few new videos. The malinche, melanosoma, gracilis, and maculata don't need to be updated but the rest do. I will try to find some time. Enjoy. I am a member of the ALA and North American Goodeid Working Group through the ALA. Please consider keeping Goodeids and joining the ALA and NAGWG.

Thanks! Take care, Chris


Well-Known Member
I keep Zoogoneticus tequila - Volcano goodeid however i don't have any pictures of them atm =(


New Member
I have guppies, I keep the males and females in separate tanks and somehow still end up with continuous fry.


Are any of your fish registered with C.A.R.E.S. preservation???
Here is what I am currently keeping as for livebearers...
Sorry I've gone somewhat to dwarf cichlids (5 types) now but still have a place in my heart for these species...
Thank you :D for sharing these rare video's as most folks would never get a chance to see them if it weren't for guys like you!!!
y current list
A. Toweri (Blue tail goodeid) registered with C.A.R.E.S., status CCR.,
Poeciliopsis gracilis N/A,
Gardinius maticulas (yellow belly) N/A, Hawaiin strain
I Keep Phallichthys quadripunctatus, Apologies my phone isn't the best at getting pictures.


New Member
Thank you guys for sharing! Very nice fish! My fish aren't registered in CARES. I only have reverse trio of maculata. Still trying to breed them. I am always happy to share videos and pass my fish around when I have surplus. My goal is to try to interest others into keeping these fish and keep these fish going. Alot of people don't know what Goodeids are. I came across them by chance. Its a shame and sad. Goodeids need a lot of help. Couple of locations are so in trouble that they could dry up overnight and the Goodeids in that location could become extinct. I want to help bring Goodeids out into the open, help people learn about them, and get people interested in them. Thanks again! Keep sharing :)


I use to keep Neotoca (formerly Skiffia) bilineata , a CARES CCR species (critically endangered).
A VERY nice, but shy fish and peaceful one too.
I can get more from my breeder in Hawaii too! VERY hard to obtain in the hobby.
Please visit the "Goodied Working Groups" page for species profile and the latest updates. Then go to the CARES preservation website as well.
If your in a fish club you should encourage them to sign up for registery with CARES preservation. I have had various species of Goodieds for over 3 years now and would'nt trade them for anything else! (Gone cichlid! oopps)
With all those species your keeping they should be registered.... Juan Artogas was here in Seattle in October but he spoke on Central American cichlids in stead! bummer...


I noticed all of your holding tanks have plastic plants? These guys love to graze on live plants/algae and really need it for their well being. Add a lot of spirulina/greens to their diet as well.


New Member
Very cool. I would love to get some bilineata some day. I just have very limited space as of right now. I only have room for 2 more species and that's all. I should be getting some Allodonthicthys hubbsi with location and a pair of Skiffia lermae w/location from the Mexico Goodeid facility in Moreila, Mexico. Got them from the ALA shipment. Both species should be coming in the spring. I am not in a club. I have thought about joining my local area club. I have thought about doing a speech at my local fish club on Goodeids. I wouldn't trade my livebearers for anything either. I have found where I need to be which is keeping Goodeids/livebearers and try to interest others to keep them. I have thought about registering my fish but never got around to it. I do have plastic plants only. I can't keep live plants alive, so to save money I use plastic. I let my tanks grow algae and I do feed them a veggie diet.


New Member
Its been a while since my last post. I havent had fry from any of my species in a while. I'm still working on the maculata....hopefully I will get some fry. I got two new species. 2 pairs of allotoca meeki with location information and a pair of skiffia lermae "rancho el Molino". Very soon I will be getting some allodontichthys hubbsi with information.


New Member
I have Heterandria Formosa, wild type, and one "mutt," who seems to be a least killi crossed with something else??

My observations:
-Gold formosa crossed with wild type, yields wild type.
-Most are peaceful community fish, exception to follow...
-They move in a "hovering" fashion. These are NOT your graceful, flowing, schooling fish. They swim like a cichlid, moving in short bursts and then hovering. Similar to Badass, but more active/visible, fun to watch.
-Most of their time is spent in the lower third of the tank. Unless it's feeding time when they all mob to the top.
-They are solitary nano fish. The males will chase around the females, and the females will chase each other, but they always seem to prefer just being left alone to do their own solitary thing.
-Mine are kept with CRS, amanos, nerites, ramshorns. Snail and Shrimp safe in my experience.
-They will eat anything. Graze on algae, nibble at fishfood, gorge on live food.
-Fry are pretty big. Easy to feed, but a *tiny* bit susceptible in the very beginning. They need good hiding places. I've never seen the adults attacking one, but I've lost fry when I didn't have enough najas grass in the tank.
-Kept at common tank conditions: pH ~7, temp 75, moderate hardness.
-Other tankmates that were great: female dwarf puffers and bumblebee gobies (true FW type). The gobies just mind their own business and play boss-of-the-tank, while the female DP actually seemed to like hanging out with the female least killis, sorority style :)

So, the ONE behavioral exception has been my "mutt" fish. She acts more like a gambusia or poecilia. Not sure what she's crossed with, but shes larger and more aggressive than all the other least killis. Her fry look like regular wild type heterandrias. The goby keeps her in check or she'd rule the tank.