Playing Dead?


New Member
It means sometimes I find my Loaches laying on their sides at the bottom on the tank or floating upside down on the top of their tank. Whenever I stick the fish net in there to scoop them out, They magically start swimming around again and act completely normal, eating and chasing each other around.They are both "playing dead", I have checked the water and its normal. Are these clown fish just being silly? Is this how they normally act? Thanks! :)


New Member
I can't be 100% sure sure that it was a clown loach that I read about but I did read something about some kind of loach that will play dead, it was either a clown loach or a kuhli


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Play dead, one trick down. Can you get them to fetch? :lmfao:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I have seen pleco's that do it as well. Knew of a 14" standard pleco that would float upside down and not move it's gills. You got close enough to the tank he'd soak you with the flip from his tail. lol