Newbie to the forum.


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Newbie to the forum.


I was roped into the aquarium lifestyle by my other half in 2007. I came home one day and there he was, setting up a 65 gallon in our bedroom (he said he would be buying a small fish tank. A SMALL FISH TANK!). I now know that 65 gallons is not what I consider small, but it is definitely not BIG.

Since then we've had dozens of tanks and hundreds of fish, snails, frogs, plants, shrimp and three turtles.
A few of my favorites have included:
-A lovely Oranda Goldfish named Oblina that bared a striking resemblance to Lucille Ball.
-A gaggle of Clown Loaches that would follow me around the room; the biggest was named "Big Mama" because all the "small" ones would crowd around her.
-Any Bristlense Plecos we've had; I have a serious weakness for plecos and pleco fry. (All and any fry.)
-Murphy, a Western Painted Turtle that we rescued. He would turn towards the TV whenever "Golden Girls" came on and would get very grumpy if it was turned off mid-episode.
-Our current lone salt water tank that was gifted to us. It's a 24 gallon with a brilliantly colored bright green with pink spots Goby Watchman named Green Goblin. He comes out of his hidey-hole whenever "King Of the Hill" is on and likes to watch me clip coupons.
-Dorkula, a curious 18 inch Giraffe Catfish that vacuumed up any food in site.
-Mr. T, a softshell turtle (still haven't been able to correctly identify him) that climbed out of tanks multiple times (tanks with lids). In one instance he climbed out of a tank on the second floor, got down the stairs and was making his way to the kitchen when we woke up the next morning and found him.
-Hank, our Mbu Puffer; he is a gentle giant that gets scared easily, has a serious case of the munchies and is always super excited when I come home from work.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Re: Newbie to the forum.

Welcome! and my wife would say the same thing about me ( she got roped into the aquarium lifestyle) :)


Re: Newbie to the forum.

Welcome. 65g well it's small to me.