Newbie in Issaquah


New Member
Hi! I'm Valerie and I have just gotten started with aquariums as the "first pet" for my 5 year old son this January. And unfortunately while we were on vacation there were some casualities. So we currently have a 10 gal tank with 3 bloodfin tetras, 1 silver lyre tail molly (the bully!), 2 otos, & 2 amano shrimp. We are in the process of upgrading to a 20 gal tank - it's taking me a little bit to get organized this month! We are going to put the 20 gal together as a project, and are really excited about it. :D I found this forum recently and have been so thankful for the wealth of information on it. It has helped quite a bit as well as being just plain fun to read.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Welcome Valerie. If you need assistance on anything, have any questions, feel free to ask. Look forward to meeting you tomorrow.


New Member
Thanks so much for the welcome :) I am finding that it is very addicting to keep fish. So far, it's been great fun. I'm sure I'll have tons of questions as I progress on, so I'm sure I'll be sharing those as I go.

I spoke with Roy at GSAS who told me about the Sept speaker (Karen Randall) speaking on nano tanks - so I'm definately trying to attend that! I wish I'd be able to attend the talk about her trip to Taiwan before that, unfortunately I can't work that into my schedule. Which is a shame, I think it's so interesting to hear how another culture approaches an activity that we carry out as well. There's never just 1 way to do things it seems!